[quote=darkwolf687] Well, it is called a Carrier xDWhat should I tear out, then? [/quote] From the discussion in the IRC the problem is that you're so powerful. Covenant have kick ass shields that prevent most things from going through them with the exception of CONCENTRATED Mac fire or the Infinity just ramming through them. I don't think any of the other ships can ram you down without a bit of self sacrifice. The only real threat to your ship out of the players is me with all my nukes (Including loading Raptors and Vipers with the damned things) or Echo building more Ion Frigates than he can manage. A UNSC carrier off the same size would be less powerful simply due to its nature, in the last Multiverse RP(That gave us all the idea for this one even though the plot is quite different) we had a little Paris flying around and that thing was quite useful. I also quite like the idea of W40k Space Marines and Spartans meeting one another. Might be interesting. If you are determined on Covenant I'd say the smaller ships would definitely be better and even then they are still quite powerful :P