"Hmm... Such a travesty as well..." Ophelia's voice sounded quiet for a moment. The two ended up walking in awkward silence. Ophelia's eyes trailed about, staring at people who walked by or at the scenery, which was something she had ever did before. The only scenery Ophelia bothered looking at before was her beautiful-at least she thought she was beautiful- face. "So..." She finally spoke up, "How long do you think it will take until we get there?" Ophelia sounded like a child with that question, but it was something to pass the time with. "Where were you from? If I may ask?" This one sounded slightly more mature. There was a hint of curiosity in her voice as she spoke to Eden. The woman had never really spoken with her this much until now, so Ophelia took this moment as a time to get to know her better.