Gwazi, there is no denying that prevention is the best option. But as i said before, bullying is often a decision, and not some instinctual act of violence. Yes, that means you have to reason the person - but tell me: how hard do you think it is to change someones view on life, on what should be or not be, what is acceptable and how THEY should act? It sometimes is DAMN FUCKING HARD, so fucking hard it seems that there is no way of changing them. And that is where violence steps in. Break them, beat those stubborn bastards into surrender, so that they stay put at least for the time being. Violence is often sided with desparation, or mere lack of precious time. It took centuries for humanity to rise from the barbaric past of undying war, slavery and upper-class tyranny, and it might take us even longer to rid ourselves of what we have now.