[center][i]"I swear...that my loyalty lies only to the High King of the Empire. Everyone else I will crush beneath my feet."[/i][/center] [center][b][i]Name :[/i][/b] Melisa Rynir [b][i]Nicknames :[/i][/b] Mel [b][i]Gender :[/i][/b] Female [i][b]Age and birthday :[/b][/i] Age 26, Born in the year 1276 on the 14th of March [i][b]Origin :[/b][/i] Born in Hials, Granddaughter of Girvus Rynir, 2nd oldest child in her family. Currently works/resides in Rehon [i][b]Length and build :[/b][/i] 5'8. Toned, not too muscular. [i][b]Weight :[/b][/i] 144 lbs [i][b]Sexuality :[/b][/i] Hetero. Widowed. [/center] ------------------------ [center] [i][b]Appearances :[/b][/i] [img]http://i.imgur.com/MOyfAED.jpg[/img] [/center] ------------------------ [center] [i][b]Occupation :[/b][/i] Three year graduate from the Deliar Academy. Currently an Optio in the Rehonian Legion. She has been told in the past that her rage and vengeful attitude keep her from becoming a Tribune or Legate. [i][b]Favorite phrase/saying :[/b][/i] "Don't stick to any one thing, you'll find when tested that you can no longer fly." Tagline: "Move it. Else I will squash you like an ant." [i][b]Favorite Food :[/b][/i] Apple Pie [b][i]Favorite Weather and Season :[/i][/b] Summer. When it is so hot your skin blisters. [i][b]Patron God/Goddess :[/b][/i] [*]Rolor[/*] [*]Skelatia[/*] [*]Brafald[/*] [*]Araos[/*] [/center] ----------------------- [center] [i][b]Personality :[/b][/i] Melisa can often be described as cold, uncaring, harsh...all of which would be true. She hates alot of things, likes few things, and often points out one's flaws. She is a strict leader but does her job well. A woman of few words who only speaks when barking out orders or complaining...she has no interest in getting anyone to like her. Her goal is to prepare her soldiers to protect the land, not grovel at a man's feet in hopes for friendship. Getting close to her is...unlikely. [i][b]History :[/b][/i] The second oldest in family with Patricia. She was not always the bitter woman she is at present. Her life was nice growing up. She was spoiled until her younger siblings came around and then she was expected to fend for herself. At a young age she dreamed of serving in the Legion, but neglected to join the Academy in Deliar because she fell in love. To a man she wed, she bore a son. Married two years before they were ripped from existence in a tragic bandit attack in a small villiage outside Hials. Her son and husband were both killed, but they spared her for a reason unknown. She was forever changed into someone viewed as cold and heartless. But really...her withdraw is the only way she's found to deal with the pain. That same tragic year she joined the Academy. She passed with flying colors, quickly surpassing her peers and finishing ahead of her time. Now as an Optio of three years, Melisa is known for her iron fist as she leads her Tessari's. Any soldier she deems unworthy she will squash the spirits of and send packing, without even a blink of sleep lost. Many stay away from her, and soldiers tease anyone unfortunate enough to be under her command. She now rarely speaks to anyone, let alone anyone in her family. [i][b]Theme song :[/b][/i] Evanescence: ~Made of Stone~ [youtube]MtiqIu8KsyQ[/youtube] [/center] --------------------- [i][b]Clothing and/or armor :[/b][/i] Armor used in battle: [img]http://static.mijnwebwinkel.nl/winkel/celticwebmerchant/full26956666.jpg[/img] 'Casual' Armor worn around: [img]https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2502/3775857286_40793cc780_z.jpg[/img] [i][b][u]Tools and weapons :[/u][/b][/i] ======= [b][u]Name :[/u][/b] Sword [u][b]Description :[/b][/u] Melisa's Sword. Made of the strongest, most expensive metal. [i][b]Appearance :[/b][/i] [img]http://www.forgedintime.com/bladesmithing-blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/falcon9.jpg[/img] ======= [b][u]Name :[/u][/b] Shield [u][b]Description :[/b][/u] Melisa's shield. A gift from her Grandfather [i][b]Appearance :[/b][/i] [hider=shield][img]http://www.medievalcollectibles.com/images/Product/large/ED8130.png[/img][/hider] ======= [b][u]Name :[/u][/b] Melisa's Ring Necklace [u][b]Description :[/b][/u] A simple necklace that holds her deceased husbands ring. [i][b]Appearance :[/b][/i] [img]https://img1.etsystatic.com/000/0/6038591/il_570xN.309580113.jpg[/img] ======= --------------------------------------- [center] [b][u]Skill/Abilities :[/u][/b] [*]Skilled Sword Fighter[/*] [*]Good at Horse Riding[/*] [*]Can read and write[/*] [*]Quite the tactician[/*] --------------------------------------- [i][b][u]Traits[/u][/b][/i] [*]Manipulative[/*] [*]Agressive[/*] [*]Perceptive of others feelings/emotions[/*] [*]A bit unorthadox...in everything[/*] [*]Expirenced Optio[/*] [/center]