Idk if you guys are still accepting but if you are then I have this cs ready~ I hope the coding came out properly [center][u][b]Victoria Winchester[/b][/u] [i]Character Theme -[/i] [url=]Heaven[/url] [Img][/img] "[i]Her physical beauty is only matched by her most glorious, delicate magic[/i]" [b]Family Name -[/b] Winchester [i][u]Given Names -[/u][/i] Victoria Jane [i][u]Gender -[/u][/i] Female [i][u]Sexuality -[/u][/i] Heterosexual [b]Age -[/b] 21 [i][u]Height -[/u][/i] 5'2" [i][u]Weight -[/u][/i] 54kg [i][u]Special Features -[/u][/i] Long silver hair, rose colored eyes. [b]Magic Guild -[/b] Fairy Tail [i][u]Guild Mark -[/u][/i] Located on the back of her right shoulder [i][u]Primary Profession -[/u][/i] Fairy Tail Mage [i][u]Secondary Profession -[/u][/i] Model [b]Personality -[/b] Victoria comes off as a very sweet, quiet girl who everyone wants to be friends with. She acts kind out of good manners and never speaks out of term unless provoked. In truth she is a very angry and sad person, quietly cursing the world she was brought up in and those who shaped her into just another pretty face for perverted men to drool over and jealous women to despise. She was once very easily manipulated, but moving on from this mindset has made her weary of the company of others. She much prefers to avoid confrontation; not because she is afraid, but because she believes in proper etiquette and manners and thinks swearing her head off at some deadbeat in public won't do her much good regardless of how repulsive they are. She finds solace within the walls of Fairy Tail, but rarely within it's members who only know her for her reputation as a celebrity. She could try and expend the effort to show them what she's really like when not behind a camera, but she feels it would be wasted energy. As long as she smiles and is polite to everyone, no one has to suspect a thing. Studying magic is a passion of hers, and in truth her only real escape. It offers her a way to show her true self to the world in a way that's just as beautiful as all the ridiculous outfits the photographers put her in, but rarely anyone recognizes her ability as a capable mage, especially when the public is more interested in seeing a photoshoot with her in the newest line of lingerie than hearing about the various mission she partakes in on behalf of the guild. [b]Magic Type -[/b] Caster Type (Maker Magic) [i][u]Magic -[/u][/i] Prism Magic [i][u]Description -[/i][/u] Also sometimes referred to as 'Light Make', Prism Magic converts light into physical constructs. While this does have the qualities of most Maker Magics, it is noted that this style of magic is not as flexible as regular Maker Magics which allows for offensive, defensive and various other utility spells in their nature. Prism Magic's constructs are brittle as glass, so their defensive capabilities are practically nothing. It can be used to create platforms, but only someone as light as Victoria could use them without shattering the construct. Additionally, the constructs do not remain for very long; dissipating after a few moments. The nature of these constructs make them mostly useful for projectile based creations, but the clear color of the constructs does give them an advantage as they can be difficult spot. These constructs are wildly famous for being stunningly beautiful; taking on a clear, almost diamond like appearance and reflecting light through them as a spectrum of beautiful colors. [i][u]Spells -[/u][/i] Due to the nature of Prism Magic, there are no specific spells as the capabilities of the magic rely on the users imagination. However, Victoria does have a handful of constructs that she uses on a regular basis; her main construct being elongated arrows of light. [b]Background -[/b] Victoria's life was never her own. Burdened by her demanding, rude and sad excuse of a mother, Victoria always constantly tried to please someone who was never happy with her efforts. She hated seeing the look of disappointment on her mothers face whenever she made a mistake or showed weakness. Those were things she couldn't afford. Every time she spoke out she was struck brutally, several times. She spent most of her childhood sheltered away, too scared to open up to others. Other kids teased her about that a lot, calling her weird or a loner. She found no sanctuary at school, and none at home. She felt like she was absolutely worthless. Most days her mother could never be bothered getting her ready to school, so she showed up dirty with messy hair. None of the kids wanted to sit with her or play with her, worried that they would catch her 'diseases'. She hated all of them, and when she turned 10 she had fully learnt to dress and look after herself without her mother. She braided her hair, washed her face and kept herself clean and eventually people started to take notice of her. However her repressed anger towards these people lead her to lash out when someone tries to get close to her. She was paranoid and scared and eventually went back to shutting everyone out once again. Most of her adolescence was spent alone. She was constantly tormented by a group of girls as well as guys, who only showed interest in her pretty face and rather developed body for a girl of her age. They disgusted her, and she even ended up punching one of them in the face when they had the audacity to grab her chest in front of everyone. She was the one who paid for that, with a 2 weeks suspension. Her mother was furious, but her anger softened when she saw an ad from a local modelling agency in the newspaper looking for a new model. She pulled Victoria out of school and put her to work as a model, with nothing but the comforting words of "Don't screw this up, girl" to support her through the sudden transition. The cameras loved her, and there was big talk about how Victoria Winchester was going to be the next big thing. She was filled, people were finally starting to notice her and acknowledge her existence properly. The next few years were spent travelling Fiore, shoot after shoot as she slowly made a name for herself. Her rise to fame as one of Fiore's most beautiful ladies was the talk on everyone's tongue and she loved every bit of it. She even started to begin practicing magic in her spare time between shoots under the guidance of her agent, who was also a member of the Blue Pegasus guild. Everything was going great for her. She finally felt like she had made her mother proud of her, and people were starting to pay attention to her. That all changed when a local magazine interviewed her and it became apparent just how little the world actually cared about her. The interviewer asked crude questions about her body, and her personal life (including her sex life), and every time she tried to speak of something she felt strongly about they shut her down with more vapid questions. She was nothing but a pretty face to all of them. Her sudden decision to quit full time modelling and join a Wizards Guild was based off of this revelation. She was going to show the world that there was more to her than just that, and she would start by joining the Fairy Tail guild. She dropped all connections to her mother, who was furious at her decision to stop just as she was getting so famous. Her response was simple. She would only model for wizarding magazines, which would respect her abilities as a mage properly. Currently living at Fairy Tail, she is quite known for only participating in photo shoots for Sorcerer Weekly and has a very friendly relationship with the interviewers from it. Determined to make a name for herself as a powerful wizard, rather than just a blushing beauty, she trains with the Fairy Tail wizards and considers the guild her proper home. However, only time will break the wall she has put up between herself and her fellow guild mates.[/center]