[quote=Rin] So yeah, having trouble coming up with a good intro. ^^; Hmmm......I don't know how much it will help, but would it be okay for Eilidh to have at least some knowledge of what Brainiac is, since she's a member of the Corps? Nothing more substantial than "there's this weird alien thing and whenever it lands on planets they tend to vanish" or something like that, but I thought out of everyone she'd probably have the most knowledge and/or experience with specifically extraterrestrial threats. I hope that makes sense. [/quote] You could have her off in space dealing with something, then her ring alerts her to a crisis happening on Earth. And yes, the Green Lantern ring would be able to scan and identify to robot's technology and find out where it came from. I was actually counting on the fact that your character would be able to provide that information to the rest of the League. [quote=Rin] I was actually all New 52-related stuff when I wrote up Eilidh, honestly. ^^; Since... Not a fan of it at all. [/quote] In terms of quality, the New 52 is hit or miss, but I think that's definitely the case with Marvel as well, and with DC before the relaunch. I like the New 52 mainly because of what it did for comics as a medium. It gave people a chance to get into the DC Universe, and attracted a lot of new readers.