Aoba sat, a little amused by the way Kuro managed to inhale the food. Every time he took a bite, he noticed his sharp teeth sink into it. Aoba lacked the sharp teeth and fangs, but then again, he didn't really need them. It wasn't like he scarfed down food the way he did. With a light giggle,  Aoba spoke up. "I don't think you're suppose to eat that whole... but okay." He merely shrugged at the acts, and moved the plate closer to Kuro as he reached for more food. Finally, when he was more or less content, Aoba scooted in close to start his treatment. "Don't worry, I'll bring more next time. It won't be a problem." Because Fenrir did most of the hard work, Aoba just examined to make sure nine of the injuries were threatening to open, along with helping out with the sore areas. He started with his arms, thankful that his own magic managed to recharge. He didn't want to have Kuro lay on his back, so he let the demon rest on his did as he checked for chest and stomach wounds. That didn't take long considering it seemed Kuro was hunched over to protect most of his front. Methodically, he continued his examining and healing. It was a smooth process, all the way down to his legs. "Front is covered." He said as he rolled Kuro over like a doll. This time starting with his legs to work his way up. Just as he had the first time, he slowed the farther he got upwards to his legs. He didn't need the guards getting the wrong idea so he quickly moved to his back. "I've never seen anyone do this before." He mused as his hands went across the replaced skin in order to heal the pain. Only a few doctors knew of how to accomplish such a task. [I]'I'm going to learn how to do that one day. I'll be the best doctor there is.'[/I] He gave a look of determination as he tried to soothe the aches and sores Kuro had. Occasionally, his hands would run over where his wings would have been, but Aoba didn't pay much attention, only trying to make sure everything was in tact. "That should be about it. I didn't have to do any cleaning or stopping you from bleeding. I'm sure all you need now is some rest."