It was a stiflingly hot day in York Shin. The clamour of the docks and thick engine smog hung heavy in the summer air. The expedition was scheduled to leave from this sky dock in York Shin, today, in precisely twenty minutes and thirty-seven seconds. Lev always kept a close eye on the time. The hustle and bustle of York Shin all year round made it the perfect place to launch the expedition from. The members were meant to meet here in front of their airship, and the heady heights were only serving to exacerbate Lev's usually excitable state of mind. He had already examined, and sketched, every detail of this airship. It was a recent model, but not so new as to draw attention. The Undercarriage was a sturdy silver construct riddled with windows. The large balloon which it was affixed to displayed a the distinctive patterning and wide tooth-filled mouth of a Killer whale. There was no weaponry visible from the outside, after all it wasn't a military vehicle, however the balloon did have slabs of metal affixed to it by thick wires. Lev would be easy to find if you were looking for him, and would probably be conspicuous if he where anywhere else but York Shin. Among the exotic people and products changing hands up here the tall, muscular man, with what looked like white surgeons scrubs clinging to his form barely drew a glance. Even up here, towering far above the crowded streets, money was changing hands, people were trying to make money. It was incessant, why did everyone associate money with happiness? Lev did not have too much time to get philosophical as the en he had been keeping up had finally picked something significant up. Ascending the long spiralling stair case, walking along the wide cat walks came one of the members. As she came into eyesight Lev immediately recognised her. She was small with dark skin and black hair, which cascaded from underneath a tightly tied bandana. Despite the hot weather she was clad ina dark grey bomber jacket, covered in a bewildering variety of patches, seemingly from every corner of the continent, over a denim boiler suit. Her expression melted into a beaming smile when she noticed Lev. "Hi, my name's Laura Vanetti, I'm the pilot. You must be Lev right? And this must be my new ship, the a.s. Blackfish." Her sing song voice seemed to climb with excitement, Lev could have sworn that she hit a perfect high c when she said blackfish. "Yes, I'm Lev, nice to meet you." Lev had been here for at least an hour, he hoped the others arrived soon. "Why don't you wait with me out here, the other's should be showing up now." Lev's voice trailed off at the end as he once again expanded his en, wider than before, excitedly searching.