Aura Willet, Varsity Runner for Central High and accomplished procrastinator, found herself staggering out of practice once again. She was tired, and for the fiftieth time she questioned why she put herself through this. She was on the 9th and final mile of today's long run, and she was working hard to keep her form together and her body moving in the right direction. She emerged from the forest trail that she had chosen as her running path at a light run and saw her coach and two of the other runners on the team waiting. She reached them and immediately stopped, trying her very best to catch her breath as sweat rolled off her body. Her coach dismissed her to stretch so thats what she did, concentrating on walking normally over to the nearby school parking lot. It took her 10 minutes to stretch herself out. After that, she bid goodbye to her teammates and walked over to her truck, unlocking it and climbing into the cab as she shut the door with a big slam. It was a Black 2000 Chevy Silverado, and she was particularly proud of her truck's good condition, or at least on the outside. On the inside, it was a cluttered mess just like Aura's room at her house, littered with school papers, running clothes and assorted other things. It took her only five minutes to drive to her house in Santa Cruz, pulling into the driveway and shutting the door with a loud thud as she yanked her keys out and slide from the cab. She casually flicked the only other key on her keychain into her hand as she walked up to her front door. Locking her truck as she walked in, via the remote, she shouted "I'm home!" However, she was greeted with nothing more than silence and a note on the counter next to the door. Apparently her parents were going to be at work late, so she had to fend for herself for supper. She groaned in dismay at yet another night of Hot Pockets supplemented with a bottle of water, but for now gathered a new set of clothes, athletic shorts and a comfortable T-shirt. After taking a long shower and changing, she set to cooking her own supper, or rather heating up her favorite Hot Pocket, and was done eating in 10 minutes. With a light groan of boredom, she walked into her room and slumped down into her computer chair, booting up the gaming computer that was her true pride and joy. As she waited for the boot process to finish, she thought to herself "[i]I wish something cool would happen, every day has just been the same old same old for the last forever![/i]"