Hey Whovians, came across [ur=http://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/video/2013/sep/27/doctor-who-companions-video-interviews]this[/url] while working on the next RPGN Comic and they covered a few areas we discussed too. Oh, by they, I mean something like 5-6 former companions ranging from the first Doctor's Companion to Karen Gillian. They discuss the show, portrayal of their characters and the evolution of the female assistant to companion, several other topics, but namely their perspective on a Female Doctor. If you dig the Whoverse you should give it a listen, I found it rather pleasant, and it's cool to see industry professionals share their opinions the same way we the fans do. Favourite quote must've been the companion who stated they'd like to see a ginger, black, lesbian Doctor. :dreamy