As Aoba scoots in Kuro mirrors his chuckle. “My body can use all the fruit, even the skin. All of it helps. Demons are very energy efficient.” He smiles at the promise of more food. “Gratzi.” He murmurs as Aoba sets to work. As he flops over on to his stomach however his thoughts take a turn. He focuses on the faint heat coming from the little mouse's hands as he moves up his legs, healing along the way. As he slows Kuro can not help it when his thoughts stray into the realm of physical pleasures. [i]'He's so not subtle about not wanting to go near my only covering. I can feel him getting slower and slower. I wounder what would happen if my actual backside was injured. . .'[/i] His lets his mind wander a bit, a slightly naughty smile on his lips. However when Aoba jumps from his legs to his back he lets out a disappointed sigh, his vague fantasy realm fading. [i]'Man, if we were on earth or something, even if you are an angel, I'd so turn this into something a little more fun'[/i] Kuro would never rape anyone, and to tell the truth, his physical encounters are normally with humans who find his demonic charm irresistible, but Kuro has no doubt of his prowess, and rightly so. [i]'I could convince him to play with me I'm sure. Little Mouse is so oblivious at times, he prolly wouldn't know what was happening until we were both naked and I had him pinned beneath me. . .'[/i] He thinks about that for a second, then laughs. [i]'Nah. I can still see him thinking I'm teasing him or something even at that point'[/i] Rolling his eyes at the thought he turns his head to look at Aoba. At that instant however the angel's fingers flutter over his wing spots. Biting back a full blown groan, difficult given what he's just been thinking about, his breath hitches as once again those fingers ghost over his sensitive spot between his shoulder blades. Crossing his arms under his head as Aoba continues working Kuro bites down softly on his arm to keep himself quiet. [i]'I really need to tell him about those spots, but perhaps not [b]exactly[/b] how they help the pain. I think he'd hesitate if he knew that part'[/i] Once he's finished Kuro picks his mouth off his arm, smirking at the light bite marks before letting out a soothing sigh. He turns his head to look up at Aoba, a placated smile on his lips. “Yes doctor.” he says playfully. Carefully he sits up, turning so he an face Aoba as he readies himself to leave. Once he has his opening he reaches out to hold the other's head, fingers slipping gently into the short hair on the back of the angel's head. Leaning in he presses his kiss close to Aoba's ear near the jaw. “Good job, Little Mouse.” He whispers directly into Aoba's ear, a smile curling his lips as he adds, “And by the way, you really helped with the pain. Those spots, on my back, where my wings are hidden? Whenever you touch there I find it very soothing. It's very soothing, thank you. . .” He lets his voice trail off, pulling back gently. His eyes go to the guards, but they could care less what's happening in the cell as long as Aoba is unhurt. He does his best to keep his expression neutral, only a light smile on his lips, as the angel finishes packing and leaves for the day. [i]'That was fun. . .'[/i] He lets out a sigh as the bars slam shut and as carefully as possible, he settles in for the night.