Rachael walked out of an apartment's front door, the light wooden door creaked and moaned as she pushed out of it. The wooden door had ominously slammed behind here due to the crosswinds the flowed through the house front the back door. Rachael looked up and down the god-forsaken street while she ate handfuls of a new cereal she had just looted. Rachael could tell this cereal was supposed to be for old people, the flaky looks and the plain flavors only proved her point even more. She took a few bites of the cereal having the stale flakes slowly squish between her teeth, it was no longer crunchy and no longer had any flavoring on it, it was just dry and extremely chewy. [b]"Eat up rico, you never know when you're going to find another treasure like this."[/b] Rachael remarked as she dropped a few flakes into the small box that her pet mouse was laying in. [b]"Rico, we all know how you get when you don't eat."[/b] Rachael had swung her arms across the area, as if gesturing to the crowed of people there. But there wasn't a crowed, there was no one in sight for miles.[b]"You get cranky, and nobody on earth likes when you're cranky. Rico... If you don't eat, you don't grow. If you don't grow, you don't get stronger. If you don't get stronger you can't defend yourself.... and...If you can't defend yourself..."[/b] Rachael stopped, her mind instantly raced to the time of the apostate. No matter how many years pass, her mind always seems to get dragged back to that moment. A tear started to grow in her eye, and the sniffles followed shortly after. Because of the bond Rachael and Rico had, Rico already knew she was getting upset. Rico scaled her body and onto her shoudler, sniffing her face and pawing at it. Rachael cracked a smile,[b]"You always know what to say Rico, always."[/b] She said as she raised a small handful of chewy cereal up to him. He eat without hesitation this time. Rachael looked up from her box of cereal, trying to scan the area a little better than last time. She could see and abnormal amount of green growing just down the road.[b]"Must be a jungle or something, or a forest...Rico it's obviously not a forest, we're in the heart of the big apple."[/b] A light bulb turned on above her head when the idea came to her.[b]"It's Central Park!!!"[/b] She shouted out to the world. unaware, and uncaring of whom ever might have heard. She started to jog towards the jungle looking area with haste. Rico bouncing up and down as every step felt like and earthquake to him, it wasn't anything he couldn't handle though. She made it to the outskirts of the park, or at least what she thought was the outskirts. She was already embedded within the daring jungle, but she was also on the street. She stopped and listened to the forest, waiting to hear something...anything. She didn't, this gave her a sense of false security. She marched on, walking over and under vines, bobbing between trees. No destination just walking into Central Park.