Evening all ^^ Erm permission to enlist the services of: [hider=Koop][img]http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/original/4/45471/1085210-m3on3_moogle.png[/img] Height: 2 ft Weight: 7.9 kg Name: Koop Age: Unknown Gender: Unknown referred to as a him. Species/Race: Moogle replica [Robot/organic] Powers: [u]Flight[/u] – Koop’s powers of flight are unmatched! This little guy is so aerodynamic once he’s in the air he is almost impossible to catch! Which doesn’t make sense considering his body to wing ratio... [u]Super-strength:[/u] Don’t be fooled by his little appearance, Kupo has super strength he could lift an arctic truck with one hand, which makes him useful if things need moving about...what? He’s not battle savvy...pigs would fly before he utilized it in battle. [u]Moogle Mail:[/u] Koop loves delivering mail, he always has a little sack on his back that looks empty but once he puts his hand in it he can pull out seemingly anything... Most of the time he pulls letters out of the bag, he does so enjoy giving people letters. Weaknesses: Electricity will fry his circuits, if he gets too nervous it can cause him to short circuit. Otherwise Koop isn’t very resilient at all thus the reason he runs away from combat, he could be skewered, squished or exploded...all of which he would prefer not to happen to him. He can’t pull anything that is ‘living’ out of his mail sack. Personality: Koop is a lovable and happy little Moogle, he can speak to a degree though he likes to finish his sentences with Kupo-po! He’s a useful thing to have around, he enjoys making people happy, he is a loyal little guy and adoringly does as Mercy commands him to do. He gets very nervous around violent or aggressive people and is more likely to hide or run when faced with confrontation. Koop is very sensitive in nature and takes offense easily, it’s not hard to make him cry or seek comfort from his favorite people. Background: Mercy created Koop 3 years ago with the help of a close friend, the pair were able to make his inner workings and bring him to life. He’s made up of a mixture of organic life and engineered parts. After being read into existence from a book by Silvertongue, Koop met an untimely end after trying to valiantly protect Mercy from damage. After dying for being brave Koop no longer feels any urge to be brave [i]ever[/i] again. Luckily after his death Mercy was able to call upon her knowledge of computer science and engineering to put him back together. He now depends on his robotic insides to keep him going, with a series of special clockwork operating systems that allow the little moogle to operate as he used to. He runs on a special magical compound developed by Silvertongue creating a perfect zen of magic and technology. Mercy made him a voice box so he could speak hard-wiring it to his AI fused brain to pick up the correct signals. His main controls are positioned in his lower back which can be accessed only by Mercy via touch recognition. Despite being robotic Koop is fairly squishy and can be cuddled like a plushy. Study: Koop doesn’t need to study Character limit 5 [/hider]