[quote=BlackSam3091] Oh yeah! I live north of Inverness, and we've only got a small comic book shop in the town. I was down in Glasgow about a month ago and spent about three hours in the forbidden planet there, it was like my Mecca. . . The girlfriend got mighty pissed at me though, she thought her clothes shopping was more important! [/quote] I have not been to Glasgow for years, but I remember their Forbidden Planet being a lot better than the one in Edinburgh. XD Although it's still good enough that that and Anime Republic are two of the main reasons from my bi-weekly jaunts up to Edinburgh, I guess. Well, that and the restaurants, but yeah. [quote=Yog Sothoth] I watch Naruto [/quote] There's your problem. Not going to appreciate it if you're not watching the good stuff, after all. Although I'm not entirely sure where that tirade even came from.