York Shin. A city where money flows like blood within one's body. A city where great auctions are held. A city where the black market thrives. A city where money Iis both easily gained and easily lost. Some would think that one such as Zephyr would appreciate a place like this, but no. He hated this type of place. A place where prices change in a blink of an eye. A place where people are robbed or rewarded not because of what they had done, but what they had happened to have. Zephyr walked through the crowds of people, following the directions he was given. His first objective was meet with other Hunters in front of an airship that had a ballon designed to look like a killer whale. His real mission is to travel into the dark continent with the other Hunters and record what will found. Given that the place in question was wholly mysterious, and his life would most likely be placed in danger immediately on several occasions, his price was rather large to say the least. Regardless, his price was promised and he was assured that it would be met. The time to meet is drawing closer. Around twenty minutes from now. Zephyr could see the ship. It looked decent enough to be usable, and did not stick out among the others. He could see four people on the dock near it. Three adults, one child. He walked over to them, not introducing himself, for they seemed to be conversing with each other. There were still others. He had been informed more would arrive soon enough.