"Your Majesty, with one of the Royal Knights being a traitor I don't feel this is the wisest course of action..." Henry said, somewhat nervously, as he kept a weather eye out for any dangers around them. The Academy was silent with not a single soul present outside of the banquet hall. With a slight start he saw a low shadow moving towards them but he relaxed when he recognised the Queen's familiar. Cal, Henrietta's silver fox cub familiar, had been back at the Palace under the same illusion spell that the Queen and Henrietta had been under. Therefore, in place of Cal, a great lion padded out of the darkness. While minuscule compared to Granthar's tremendous bulk, the Queen's familiar was still bigger than the average horse and a lot faster; he made the perfect guardian for a monarch with the ability to slay dozens of armoured men with contemptuous ease. Bearing his teeth the lion greeted Henry amiably before falling into a slow pace next to Queen Louise. "With Lux here there really won't be any trouble, I think." She said mildly, her confidence winning Henry's nerves over. Before they reached the banquet hall they could hear the uproar inside and it was plain that it was not the usual noise of a feast. Stopping briefly out of sight at the base of the steps the Queen took a brief moment to ensure she looked regal, if not plain while still wearing Henrietta's dress, before climbing the steps with Lux on one side and Henry on the other with Granthar's massive frame as their backdrop. The great beast halted at the doors but the entrance of his head into the room was enough to catch most anyone's attention and a hush fell across the room as Queen Louise entered; the Crown proudly seated on her head and her Sceptre clearly held in one hand. "The Queen lives!" Someone cried out from the massed students and a cheer went up, and not just from those from Elianst. If the Queen of Elianst had been slaughtered then war would have been on its way. Queen Louise held up a hand and silence quickly fell, all there keen to hear her words. "Eleshir has fallen." She said, her calm voice ringing out across the entire room. She paused for effect, casting her gaze across everyone there. "Mysterious attackers from beyond the Great North Sea landed and headed straight for our capital. If not for my gift as a Seer my life would have been lost in the attack also; unfortunately my advisers refused to take such visions seriously and remained in the Palace when the attack took place." She paused again, letting all those understand that it was by her own power that she alone had survived. "These warriors bear weapons that are alien to this land, spitting fire and death with no magic involved. They are technologically superior to us and intend to conquer all four nations and I believe that without an Alliance they will be able to." Mutterings sounded from those of other nations but a low growl from Lux quickly quietened them. "There was no way to prove this would be so without this event having occurred; had I told the rulers of each nation about my vision there would not have been peace let alone an alliance. With this single strike by the enemy I believe proof enough has been given that they are a force to be reckoned with; after all, how many armies have broken through Eleshir's gates?" There was silence for they all knew the answer: none. Queen Louise walked forwards and up to the dais with everyone parting before her, Lux and Henry quick to stay on either side of her in case anyone attempted an assassination although such an act would bring quick death. The Queen stopped when she stood in front of Elizabeth and held the woman's hands in hers. "Lady McArthur, rest assured you did not fail in your duties. I am glad to see at least one of my councilors survived this slaughter." Her gaze caught on a adolescent dressed in traditional Helgland clothing with a fearsome looking woman seated on one side and a man from Anstarm on the other. The Queen's quick mind dredged up the boy's name and she crossed towards them, ignoring the stunned silence in the rest of the hall. "Prince Jochi." She greeted him. It was customary for the one of lower rank to announce themself first but she had the momentum of her entrance behind her and she wanted to make the most of its effect with every eye in the room on her at that moment. "I would like to discuss some... politics with you, if you wouldn't mind. With Princess Elaeria also, I believe you may find them to be most profitable." She smiled knowingly before turning to Henry. "Now, I believe we should enjoy this banquet before we get down to business, Sir Henry. Hard times are to come and I'd like to enter them on a high note." Henry nodded and pulled a seat out for the Queen before taking one next to her, sitting himself next to Revaz. Despite the Queen's presence and security taking up most of his attention Henry's mind kept drifting towards Gwen; Elaeria's continued absence still worried him.