That was a fun and interesting watch! XD I'm not really surprised though that the actor for Rose was the only companion actor to say the Doctor should remain male and that the big strength was that he was this "Big, powerful male you feel insignificant to but offer the woman's touch and bla bla bla..." -.- I think the others got it right though it was stated that Doctor Who's whole thing was about change, I mean it's true! We see the Doctor change all the time, there really is no reason once you step back and look at it logically why the Doctor can't be of another race, sex or even sexuality. That all being said though I would not go on any mad dash to find ourselves a female, black, homosexual etc. doctor (Sexuality can be acted anyways... It's not something visual like the others), just hire whatever doctor you find pulls off the doctor the best. If it happens to be a woman that's great, if it's a person whose black, that's great. But let it be because they're a good actor and can honestly do the Doctor well and didn't simply get the part because of their race or sex. This all reminds me honestly of [url=]this[/url] here which is basically a study to see how sexist the (complete/finished) companions of Doctor 9-11 are. Now, I went into this expecting a feminist article that amounted to "LOOK AT HOW SEXIST THIS SHOW IS! A WOMAN FOLLOWING A MAN! IT OBVIOUSLY REDUCES WOMEN TO SEX OBJECTS!!!!" while proceeding to rant on things that have nothing to do with the show. But I was pleasantly proved wrong, this was actually a well done, fair, logical and rational study done on the show. It stayed strictly to the tests and did not allow personal bias to influence the study. Personal opinion is still noted by the author separately, but it remains seperated and does not actually influence the end result. Plus the author seems to be genuine fan of the show as well. Overall a rare and very good read of an honest review of a show in the terms of sex/gender that is not fueled by other motivations or agendas.