Walking toward air ship was a grumpy looking young woman, a scowl hardening her face as she stride forward with anger in her steps. She was plainly dressed, a black tank top and loose, military style pants that look a bit worse for wear honestly, but a deal of the damaged appeared to be recent given the blood stains. A belt about waist had various pouches on it, as well as an assortment of 5 knives of various sizes. A few cuts were visible and still bleeding on her body, a notable long one on her face, just under he left eye, one that was likely bad enough to leave a lasting scar. over one shoulder she carried a bag with her belongings and in her other hand she held what appeared to be a still bleeding human forearm. Following close behind her was a large man in suite and sunglasses. Anyone would know right away that he was Mafia. A common sight here, many gangs and families held a constant presence here given the plentiful markets they could exploit and enjoy. "Miss Ivy, If you could just take a mo- "Stop with the Miss bullshit Styles, I aint nothing more than another girl on the streets as far as the family is concerned." "Your father just wants an hour of your time. You two haven't spoken in years." The girl whipped around and threw the severed arm at the man, who was startled by managed to capture it out of reflex. "MAY BE IF SOMEONE DIDN'T LEAD A GOD DAMNDED ASSASSIN TO ME WHILE I WAS HAVING A PREFLIGHT DRINK WE'D HAVE AN HOUR TO GIVE TO THE OLD MAN." She spat a bit of blood from a wound that had re-opened on her lip after her yelling "Old fool, why didn't he send someone who knows how to keep a low profile to find me." "Cause you'd have probable killed them on sight." The large man named styles replied, this actually got the woman to smile. "Again, I'm sorry about that mess, I'll handle the bar damages." "Damn straight you are. And return the leftovers..." she said gesturing at the arm "...to the Jackal family, Given the J on the arm, I'm fairly sure it's one of their boys. Also tell him and the rest of the families to stop wasting their time and money on me. I'm going to be...out of town for a while so no one they'd hire would be able to find me anyhow." The man raised an eyebrow "Out of town?" "Hunter Business, Can't tell anyone. Not even you Styles, or even my father for that matter." The man sighed "He won't be happy with that." She rolled her eyes "He's never happy. Tell him I love him and that I'll be sure to visit when I get back." "Best keep that promise girl, or it'll be my head they take." She rolled her eyes "Dad wouldn't kill you. And if he did I'd bring him and the whole Chimera down in flames." "You see, this is why they send assassins." she gave the thug a punch in the arm. "Get out of here, can't well have you seeing where I'm going. And you have a mess to clean up." The man bowed "Farewell Miss Ivy." And quickly turned and made his way off. The girl scratched her head and sighed "Just Ivy you moron." she said with more affection than malice. She turned about, seeing the ship and the small group of people gathered before it. And a child? As she walked up to the group she began to protest loudly. "Oh, hell no! I don't deal with children. I thought this was a professional operation!"