[b]"Hey fish-face, finally show up at the party? You want to do something useful help me get those things off of supes."[/b] The speaker was none other than Green Arrow. Of course it was him, he was the only person in the league who could combine being an utter bastard with a complete lack of wit so effortlessly. "Oh good, our cut-rate Batman has arrived. The day is saved" Responded Aquaman sarcastically, making sure that the communicator line was still open. The Dark Knight himself would no doubt enjoy that one. Though Arrow did have a point, Superman had attacked the robot head on but now seemed to be in trouble. Aquaman could just make out what looked like a grimace of pain on the Man of Steel's face, and that worried him. It wasn't everyday you seen Clark in distress. [i]I hope you're watching Metropolis, your Man of Tomorrow is about to be rescued by the 'Fish-Guy'. . . But who am I kidding, it doesn't matter what I do, I'll still end up the punch line on The Late Show.[/I] Aquaman grasped his Trident in a firm, two handed grip, ran to the edge of the building and leapt once more through the air, straight for the robot. His aim was magnificent, headed straight for the socket were the remaining tentacles emerged from the robotic torso. The King of Atlantis released a fierce battle cry, and at the last possible second thrust his Trident deep into the bed of tangled tendrils. There was a screeching of metal, almost like a scream, and two tentacles detached from the robot and fell silently into the waters below. Aquaman twisted his Trident first one way, then the other, hopefully ruing a great deal of expensive electrical equipment as he did so. The loss of two tentacles, and the nuisance he was causing, should hopefully ease the pressure enough for Superman to break through. [i]Lets see Green Arrow do that.[/I]