Name: Abal Age: 16 Gender: Female Role: Weapon Class: EAT Weapon Form: Cat of Nine Tails Abilities: Abal is actually not half bad at fighting on her own in semi weapon form. Her original goal was to make herself a death scythe as she enjoys fight and prefers to not rely on others. But turns out that Abal's soul wave length isn't actually all that strong. She has trouble delivering the powerful finishing blows on monsters, so has to partner up to be fully effective. During soul resonance the various strands of her cat of Nine weave together into a single, extra long glowing tendril that is able to deliver a very powerful blow that can easily split stone. Appearance: Five foot Five Abal is a well toned young woman. Her build is athletic like an expert gymnast. She clearly of Egyptian linage by her advertised by dark skin and hair. He hair is pulled back into a mass of tight, individual braids that hang loosely about her, long enough to reach between he shoulder blades. She tends to war comfortable, dark, slightly loose fitting clothing, stuff that easy for her to perform her acrobatics style of fighting in. Brief Personality: Abal is a wild child, quick to argue and quick to fight. She doesn't like to be told waht to do and has a general distaste for authority and those who quickly bow to authority. That being said Abal isn't an unreasonable girl, and there are those of power whom she respects, like a few of the teachers and Death of course. She doesn't like relying on others, and constantly says that as soon as she makes death scythe she'll go solo. Background: Abal came from a very traditional family that clashed greatly with her personal set of beliefs from a very early age. She hated that the world was seemingly divided into a cast-like system, and she hated more where here family fell in it, and how as a girl, she was seen as even lower. Her and her father spent much of her youth fighting about these sort of things, among a great deal other things pertaining to her 'lack of lady like behavior'. She always wanted to leave her country and go where she could be herself, she was just always looking for the right time and reason to leave. Eventually found she had a weapon form and ran off to America to enroll in the death academy and has never looked back. Honestly, at this point the GM doesn't have to wait on my and Impy, with as many people as this already has ya'll could have gotten started a while agoe and we could have just caught up.