Monika rose to Rowan and shared the same curiosities about their crash, and wanting to learn more about it. "Yes, it would provide usefulness to us if we were allowed to study the wreck. It could give us a possible outline of where our attackers went, or even some great insight of what happened." Monika agreed. She began to study the Elf lady to further her knowledge around her, for she is very hospitable, and self-serving, but reluctant on the mercenaries having their weapons or for that matter leaving. This train of thought left Monika to believe that they were being forced into staying in the tower. Ruric on the other had was starved from the previous nights, unsure as of how long he had been here, he knew he was hungry and even thirsty, so he was more than eager to have taken the Elf on her request. "Oh, oh, oh. I would love some chilled mead, please." Ruric requested, even though a mercenary, he still had excellent manners. "I'd even be willing to get it myself."