Natasha simply nodded, sensing that "slower" was what Randal preferred when it came to those parties. The parties in New York and London weren't very different at all, the main differences being that the people were older and that Natasha had more incentive to be much more careful about the crowds she ran with so that she didn't screw up, lose her scholarship, and have to be on the first plane back to London. Luckily, it wasn't hard to find people who had similar reasons to be cautious. A sigh of relief escaped her as they pulled into the service station lot. As nice of a time as she'd had in Alabama, she was itching to get home. She wasn't surprised that the man at the station knew Randal, but she had to wrestle back any signs of amusement at hearing the man address him as Randy. She had no clue whether he preferred Randal or Randy, but the nickname hadn't been expected after how he'd introduced himself. "Good evening," she answered cheerfully, ignoring the raised brow she received for her accent. "My name's Natasha Velev. I'm not actually from here, but my car stopped a few miles back and Randal here was nice enough to stop and give me a hand. He says I need an oil change." Looking between the two men, she added, "Would this be where I would have my car brought if the oil change turns out not to solve the issue?" ------ Mike Thompson had checked out quite a while ago, though his body remained active. The majority of the Thompson house had been thoroughly trashed by Mike's hands. He continued his search although nothing of much use had been found aside from a few tools stored in a desk drawer filled with many other meaningless items. A voice halted his reckless perusal. The voice, most definitely not belonging to Molly Thompson, was completely unfamiliar to the creature inhabiting Mike's body. It followed the source anyway, seeking a new course of action now that the search had proven useless. He stepped over where Molly's body lay in her own blood, several small, spider-like creatures scuttling atop her. Mike continued in slow measured steps from the hallway and out into the open living room and kitchen area. The cracked door was in sight now, several more of the spider-like creatures rested along the door and doorjamb. As he moved closer to the door, Mike made a noise of acknowledgement, beckoning the newcomer inside.