Name : Sayto Vex Age: 26 Appearance : Sayto stands at 6’2” typically around the same size as the other guys his age. Weighing in at 190 pounds of pure muscle, he’s naturally strong and agile. He tends to keep his light brown hair at a length of about 2 inches and is typically kept away from his bright amber colored eyes by a red and black bandana which he keeps tied around his forehead. In addition to this, he always wears a long black cloak with red flames at the bottom. Also, on the back of this cloak is a red magic circle which is the same magic circle that he uses in combat. Under his cloak he usually wears a pair of black leather pants and a dark red shirt. He wears a pair of heavy black boots which make him appear taller than he actually is, only a little, but the difference is notable. Personality : Thinks of himself as the strongest person in the world, overconfident and cocky most of the time, feeling that he’s far superior to others. In reality he’s quite strong, although he acts a lot tougher than he is. He shows respect to only a very select few, treating others, even guild mates as being inferior to himself. He’ll make snide remarks about guild masters behind their backs and in general act as though he’s more important than everyone else. However, if you should end up being one of the people who’ve managed to earn his respect, then he’ll treat you as an equal. Though through it all, he’s not the kind of person to let his guild mates die. He might allow them to be beaten to a pulp in order for them to get the battle experience, but never let them take on something he knows they can’t handle without him. History : Sayto was born into a family of powerful mages, his father had been a master of a guild and his mother had been a high ranking member of that same guild. The guild had many powerful members, but when it fell under attack by a dark guild it’s strength was put into perspective. Sayto’s father had been killed along with his mother and Sayto had been left all alone. The memory of his fallen parents became too much for the young wizard to take, eventually he left his parents old guild and sought revenge upon the guild who’d destroyed it. He bounced around guilds for a long time after that, but none seemed to offer the kind of strength he needed in order to fulfill his revenge… That was, until Sayto discovered another dark guild. He joined it and together with these dark mages, he took down the guild which had wronged him so. However, the new dark guild which he had joined took their attack too far. Innocent people whom had nothing to do with the guild were attacked and killed in the raid which was when Sayto took up arms against the very guild he’d just joined. Sayto vanished for a while after that, he’d stopped the attack on his own and then disappeared into the wind. Searching for a new official guild which he could be proud to call home. Magic : Black Lightning Magic Basic powers: Sayto’s lightning magic isn’t just regular bolts of lightning. it has even more power than actual lightning. He can generate this power into either standard bolts of lightning shot from his hands. He can cover his hands in Dark Lightning in order to give his hands and melee attacks a little bit of a boost. Advanced powers: Electric Step: Sayto uses his powers to turn his body into an intangible bolt of lightning which allows him to travel for short distances in an instant, this power is limited to 20 meters at the most. Initially it doesn’t cost very much magic power, but costs more and more with every consecutive use. This power cannot be used to transport others. Pulse Therapy: Although not one of the abilities he uses frequently, Sayto possesses the ability to heal people to a certain extent, most cases of trauma he is able to fix without a problem. He is also able to heal minor cuts and bruises, however not much more. Lightning Pillar: A massive Black Lightning bolt which strikes down from the heavens, it’s power easily doubles that of a natural lightning bolt. However it requires an equally massive amount of magic power, although Sayto is able to cast this particular spell and still fight, he cannot use it twice in one battle. Family / Relationships : Mother and Father (Deceased) Other : I’d like him to be S-Class if that’s alright.