Awe filled Ifrits eyes as he stared at the shining figure of his true form. The candor in his eyes melted away like butter above a flame as pain racked his body, replaced with betrayal. Ifrit had felt true pain like this on a mere two occasions before- when he had been shackled and chained in the catacombs, and when he was felled by the people of Paterdomus. However, Ifrits rage lessened once more as the pain resided, and his body was healed. Almost as if the memories were erased, as Ifrit forgot his previous dog-like loyalty to The Infernal King, now swearing his allegiance to Shaige. As the charred bone snapped back into place, muscle and blood began to form around it, drawing from the spirits around. As Ifrit once more flexed his powerful muscles, he felt chills run through the rippling flesh- not something he was used to. As pure white skin slid over the red muscle, Ifrit looked down, confused at the sight. Was this what he had looked like before? Without enough time to process the thought, his fire raged out from the pores, charring the shining skin. Though it stung momentarily, the fires quickly sputtered out, as the transformation completed. No longer a beast of bones, Ifrit's body rippled with large muscles. His skin took on a glassy look, like so many shards of obsidian. Though he no longer bristled with the flames he once did, smoke still flooded out from the cracks in his crystalline skin. The once fiery eyes were sunken deep, peering out through the smoke. A faint ember of amethyst light shone out through them, reflecting the magics Shaige had imbued in him. [b]"What happens now, Master?"[/b] He asked simply, as the massive body slowly raised up, until he was standing tall and proud, ivory claws flexing. [hider=Compendium Update] Ifrit - Rogue Being. A beast of smoke, his horse-like body is augmented by a lizard-like skull with horns, and a massive, twisting tail. His skin is black and glassy like obsidian, and constantly exudes smoke. A faint amethyst light can be seen shining from behind his eyes. Known as the scion of the Infernal King, he has gone down in lore as a force to be reckoned with, spreading destruction at his master's whim. Today, he has been dismissed as a fairly tail. The beast is a massive thing, standing taller than many trees. His strength is nothing to be laughed at, however there is no intelligence behind the skull, nothing past obeying orders. [/hider]