Pope: Kuro wakes to the sun streaming into his cell and he;s about to let out a groan when he realizes just what woke him in the first place. [i]'He's here. Such soft little footsteps, but I smell fruit!'[/i] He doesn't stir, wanting to surprise the angel. However when Aoba is finally in his cell a new urge overtakes him. As the boy turns to go he whispers softly, “I'm going to die here.” He lets the words hand in the air for a few seconds before he sits up and reaches for the fruit. Grabbing up a handful of grapes he begins munching them slowly. “No matter what, I am going to die here. And it's all for nothing. . .” His voice is soft as he looks up at the kind angel. “It's all pointless Little Mouse. My death will have no meaning, not that my life dos either.” His head falls at those words and he reaches out for more grapes. ~**~*~*~*~**~ AkiBlue: Aoba paused as he walked to the door, and turned back as he heard a faint whisper. "Hm?" He turned back, looking to see Kuro shift. His head tilted, wondering what he had said, but that was soon answered. A look of sadness fell on the angel's face. "You shouldn't say that. There's always some way. You can't really be giving up now?" His voice softened as he walked back to sit in front of him. "Maybe they'll let you go? You never know..." Even Aoba's own optimism didn't work this time. There really wasn't much he could do, nor could Kuro. Silently, he pushes the plate closer to the demon. ~**~*~*~*~**~ Kuro lets out a small laugh, grabbing up another handful as Aoba pushing the plate closer. Now that the angel is close enough Kuro returns to his usual volume when trying not to be heard by the guards. His tone however, is of utter defeat. “You really are naïve, aren't you?” his words are said with kindness rather than with scorn. “I told you before, they will not return me to feed on those innocent souls down below. I may be only one demon, but they just won't. . . .” His voice trails off. Scooping up an orange he bites into it before sighing. “I know you don't want to hear this Little Mouse, I'm sorry. I should not burden you with this.” He smiles at the angel. “You just keep doing your best after I'm gone. I'm sure you'll be the finest medic some day if you don't give up!” He chuckles. “One day they will see in you what I do. . . .Aoba.” He whispers the angels name so softly, but still loud enough for the other to hear, the sadness in his eyes tinged with confidence for the angel. ~**~*~*~*~**~ "It's not naivety. . . It's optimism. It's hope." Aoba retorted softly, looking over the scars on Kuro. Everything he wanted to say was probably going to be neglected by the demon. He didn't have faith, and he didn't have positive optimism. Aoba reminded himself that Kuro was a demon. He was supposed to be afraid of him... The angel scooted backwards and looked at the floor between them. If Kuro was right about one thing, it was Aoba not wanting to hear something so depressing. And somehow, he was more encouraging than the other angels as well. He was one of the few that actually thought he would do something besides be a messenger or just be around. The sincerity of it was shown when Kuro actually said his name. His real name, instead of Little Mouse. It made him look up, only more upset. The confidence went by, having no help for the angel. "You...shouldn't think so negatively...." Aoba whispered, letting his gaze go back to the floor. ~**~*~*~*~**~ Kuro lets out a long sad sigh, a little hurt that the angel moved away from him. “I'm sorry Little Mouse, I didn't mean to upset you. I'm just scared. The place a demon goes when they die. . .” He lets his sentence trail off, the horror behind his eyes speaking volumes if only the angel could see it. [i]'It's time'[/i] He looks to the wall, biting his lip. “And it really is all for nothing. I've spent the last five hundred years on earth, I have no idea what my father and his demons are up to. I like to read, so I read. I don't care about the affairs of hell.” He lets his head fall. “I'm not thinking negatively Little Mouse, I'm imply willing to accept the facts. Even if they believe that I know nothing. . . If they really do come to believe that, I will be dead within the hour. I will be useless to them.” He gives Aoba a sad smile. “However, with your treatments, I'll last a long time. It could be a hundred years before they finally tire of torturing me before I am sent to the place not even a demon has the words to describe. . .” Again, he speaks truthfully, dropping his gaze eventually. “I won't get mad if you decide to tell them what I just told you. They believe you just about as well as they believe me after all. . .It took the guy seeing it for himself for him to take a hand in the matter. . .” He is careful to keep his energy down as low as possible, taking another bite of the rejuvenating fruit. ~**~*~*~*~**~ There's nothing Aoba can muster up to say. He merely sits there in the growing sadness and looks down. Even after he gave such a "compliment" Aoba still didn't feel any better. To think, someone so nice- even as a demon, could be killed off by the angels. "If they only knew you weren't so bad..." He mumbled more to himself than to Kuro. Aoba decided to look up when he said he wouldn't mind him telling. Of course he wouldn't do such a thing! That was practically murdering him. And the guilt would be immense for something like that. So, he quietly shook his head, watching Kuro. ~**~*~*~*~**~ Kuro shakes his head softly, seeing his opening. “Do you even really know what they mean when they call me bad?” He doesn't even wait for an answer. Reaching behind him he carefully slides the feather from beneath his waistband. Bringing it in front of him he holds it up so Aoba can see. “I am evil, and no matter how nice I am, or how little I kill, I always will be. Evil is not actions, not to angels at least, it's this.” Carefully he brings the feather down, setting it on the plate of fruit. “You can't see it Little Mouse, but I can. It's already happening, and it makes me sad.” He looks off to where the guards stand watch. “The other guards were not wrong, I am corrupting you, and as long as you keep treating me, the corruption will continue. It is part of my very being that is an offense to your kind. I don't do it on purpose, but the more you pity me, the more you feel for me. . . .the longer you're around me, the more you will suffer.” He bites his bottom lip, the fang sinking in to draw a little blood. “If this doesn't end soon, this is what will become of you. . .” Picking up the feather carefully he runs it across his now bloody lip. Like a drop of dye falling into water a blackness spreads across the feather until the entire thing is as black as pitch. He sets the feather down once more, but this time when it touched the fruit they wither, curling into dried husks. “And I don't want this for you, sweet little Aoba. I don't think I can see you suffer. . .I refuse to see you suffer. . .” He shakes his head. “There is no miracle that I can perform that would get me out of here and keep me from corrupting you any further. I don't want to be a burden on you any longer. . .I'm going to tell them myself.” He looks to Aoba with a tear in his eye. “Don't worry Little Mouse, you will have your fellows, and your career in front of you. You'll soon forget the pathetic little demon you were once forced to treat by your boneheaded superiors.” He smiles bravely, mustering all the honesty he can. Most of what he says is true, making it easy. ~**~*~*~*~**~ Aoba can't help but look over at his wings when he pulls out a feather, no doubt his. His head tilted in response as his feather was place down on the plate. Why bad he kept a feather of his? And what was he talking about? "But I don't feel corrupted. I don't feel like doing anything wrong. And how am I not suppose to pity you? You're being hurt all the time. It's painful." He gave a look of curiosity. Watching Kuro's antics, immediately his eyes went wide to see his feather turned into a jet black color- a huge contrast to his pure white ones. A gasp of horror escaped his lips as his pristine little feather changed. And then the thought of his wings turning into a jet black color made his wings tightened behind him. The fear only grew when the fruit died from the touch. But, he was a healer! He couldn't possibly do something like that. "W-What??" He pulls away ever so slightly in confusion and shock. Even as Kuro spoke about how he didn't want it to happen. Aoba's eyes were fixated on the black feather. "That- That can't be how I'll end up... it can't." His head snapped up when Kuro planned to turn himself in. "They- They'll-!" But he already knew what was going to happen. Both of them did. The corners of his eyes became teary and he looked away. "But I-... I don't want to forget..." Aoba whispered to himself, still looking away from Kuro, ignoring his smile. But what else was there for him to do? Maybe Kuro was doing the right thing... ~**~*~*~*~**~ It hurts as once again Aoba pulls away from the demon. The fear rippling off the little one makes his stomach tight. [i]'So sorry Little Mouse, but if this is to work, I have push you. You are so pure, so innocent, I can not wait for the corruption to spread at it's slow pace. I have to act now. . .And I really don't want you to suffer. I'm not the kind of demon who enjoys those types of things. . .'[/i] “No Little Mouse, you will not end up like that, I won't let you. . .tsk.” Kuro looks to the side, his inner smile hidden well. “If only I could get away from here. All I would need is my pendant and to get out of this cell. . .” He turns his sad eye on Aoba. “I know my death will make you sad, but it's not like I'll ever get my freedom. I don't have the power without my pendant, and the guards will keep me here no matter what. All I need is a few steps away from the prison's suppressive magic, but. . .That won't happen. . .” He shakes his head. “No, the only way out is to have them kill me. . .” He lets his voice trail off lightly. It's the moment of truth. If he sees even a flicker of hope, he knows he's in. ~**~*~*~*~**~ Aoba looks up at him and then merely sighs in defeat. There's not much he can say to Kuro and there's no way he can help. No matter how hard he tried or thought, there was no way that the rules would change. And this sudden corruption had him nervous. What if the other angels started to notice? Where would that place him? He listens to Kuro, gazing up some when he talks of a pendant. He had never spoken of one before. "What- what pendant?" He sits up and wiped the forming tears away. ~**~*~*~*~**~ Kuro has to try very hard to resist the urge to smile at his small victory. [i]'There is still more to go though. Don't mess it up!'[/i] With a long sigh he murmurs, “Oh, it's this thing my father gives to all of his children. It's what lets everyone know who we are, and it's got a little of father's energy in it.” He waves his hand dismissively. “It's an old silver thing with a red stone in the middle, kinda pretty, but it doesn't matter. Some chick called the overseer said she was going to keep it as some war trophy. Hang it on her office wall or something. . .” He's not lying, and he blesses the ornery woman for being so stupidly talkative. “Ripped it right off my neck. I bet she doesn't even know what it is. . .” He lets out another sigh. “But none of that matters, I'm just going to tell them during my next session.” He looks to Aoba. “That's today, right?” ~**~*~*~*~**~ Aoba thinks long and hard over the pendant he speaks of. He blinks realizing he had seen the necklace before. Once or twice he had gone past the overseer's door to see it pinned above her head on the wall. "It is pretty..." He mumbled, recalling how the red jewel would sparkle occasionally. It was a pretty jewel that he liked to see, but the overseer wasn't in her office all the time, so her door was left closed. He shook the thought as Kuro continued talking. "Your....Your next session is later today. Yes." He looked over at the plate. "It's...today." He repeated softer. ~**~*~*~*~**~ The demon slowly blinks his eyes, letting a faint light enter his eyes, his face distorting into a look of surprise and disbelief. “You. . .You've seen it? You know where it is?!” His voice is still soft, but the excitement is obvious. He looks almost as if he's going to move closer to Aoba. “If you could get it, just bring it to me I could. . .” His excitement fades and he settle back on his backside. “No, no, I couldn't ask that, it's too dangerous. . .” He gives Aoba a sad smile. “No, I'll just tell them today, and it may take a few days more of torturing, but I think I can make them believe me. Then I'll go away and you can go back to your peaceful life here amongst your own kind. The taint will fade if I'm not around Little Mouse. You are to kind for it not to. . .” ~**~*~*~*~**~ Aoba blinked and slowly nodded. "Well the overseer isn't that far from the prison...I do live here you know..." He mentioned softly and then looked in surprise. Now he knew Kuro was insane. Did he really think he was capable of stealing!? He could barely talk to the overseer woman! Or any of the higher ups for that matter! And then Kuro hit where it would probably hurt the most. Guilt. It made Aoba flinch lightly. "I really. . . Can't do that. The door is always locked... and she's scary. . ." He looked at him with a light frown. He knew the guilt trip, but it was Kuro's life on the line. "The office isn't that far... it's only a left out of here and three doors down..." If he couldn't do it himself, someone else could do it then. "It's not like she ever stays in her room. . ." He spoke softly, rambling on. He shook his head vigorously and looked away at his wings, touching them lightly. He really didn't want to be corrupted or tainted...He assured himself that he was a pure angel. ~**~*~*~*~**~ Looking at Aoba curling in around himself Kuro murmurs softly, “You're right, I could never ask you to steal.” He stays silent for a while, breathing slowly. Then in a nearly inaudible voice he whispers, “I don't want to die Aoba, but I don't want you to suffer from being around me any more.” He lists his gaze just high enough to look through his lashes at the little angel. [i]'So sweet'[/i] “Please, I'm not asking for much, and even if I fail, you will still be rid of me, your purity safe.” His eyes are filled with fear as he raises his head a little higher. “Help me get there, tonight. Tell them I'm not healed enough so I can save up my strength today, and tonight. Tonight I'll either leave, or be killed. I just, need your help to get there, then I'll do the rest on my own, I promise. Please, my sweet doctor. . .” His voice is a little choked with tears that threaten to fall. ~**~*~*~*~**~ Aoba bit his lip, wondering how he ended up in such a mess. All he wanted to do was be a doctor like the higher staff and Fenrir gave him this job. It wasn't that bad. He liked the job, but this was insane. He couldn't do the things Kuro asked. But the kind hearted, loving angel couldn't just say no. . . He couldn't. Kuro was on the verge of tears, and death! What kind of angel would he be if he didn't save the life of someone in need? He was naive to how false he was to the ways of everything outside of the walls he was stuck in. He didn't know of the morals and integrity that had to be kept. Everything was orderly and nothing changed. Aoba didn't know how one little demon could affect so much... He bit his lip, contemplating the insane idea. "I..." A soft whine escaped his lips before he looked back at the guards. But Kuro was so kind... but apparently he wad so bad... Finally, Aoba sighed in defeat and his conscious caved in. "Fine. I'll...help... you..." Aoba feels a nasty taste in his mouth when he says it, but somehow it fades and he sighs, once more scooting backwards. Though this time, he planned to get up and leave. ~**~*~*~*~**~ His heart is racing, it has come down to it. He has voiced his needs, his simple yet law breaking needs, and now his body threatens to pulsate with his newly regained dark energies. His breathing slow, waiting with baited breath for the angel's response. [i]'Please Little Mouse, I know you can do it. I'm not asking much, and after today, you won't have to worry about me ever again. Well, of course, until they find out you helped me and throw your ass from heaven, but you still won't have to worry about me'[/i] He really doesn't want to have such a thing happen to his now favorite angel, but it's either one fallen angel, or an eternity in a place worse than hell. He can live with that. Then finally it happens. A tear really does fall from his eye when Aoba agrees to help him. “Thank you Little Mouse, thank you. . .” As Aoba goes to stand he whispers. “Come right before the changing of the guard. It'll be the perfect time. Thank you again. . .Aoba.” He settles back against the wall, quickly scooping up the feather and hiding it before the guards look into the cell as Aoba leaves. [i]'The scene is set, the pieces slowly moving into place, the final act is about to begin. . .'[/i] Determined not to screw it up he rests against the wall carefully, his senses primed just before he falls asleep to gather as much energy as he can for that evening. When at last the light outside begins to dim, the time of his bid for freedom drawing near, Kuro wakes and stares at the opposite wall. [i]'Come to me Little Mouse. Come to me and set me free. Set this poor little demon free. . .'[/i] ~**~*~*~*~**~ His thanks is met with an uneasy and slightly sick look. Aoba didn't have a good feeling about this whatsoever, but for some reason, something compelled him to help the demon. Aoba said nothing and merely nodded, walking away from him and the prison in disbelief. [I]'What am I doing.... This is- Is this wrong? Helping someone who's innocent of the guilted crimes, but probably guilty of so many others? Isn't there mercy? Forgiveness? Why don't I have guidance? [/I] He looked up to the tall ceilings in thought. There was no way he would be able to sleep. There was no way he was going to be able to think straight. It was too much for the little angel to handle. And evening rolled along pretty soon. At this point, Aoba was on autopilot. He only let himself move. He didn't think. If he did, he would panic. If he panicked, everything would go wrong. Shakily but hurriedly, Aoba shuffled to the prison, right in the midst of transition. There was always a short period where no one guarded Kuro. So with light steps, he hurried, picking up the key and raced to the cell where Kuro was in. Without a word, he opened the door and then walked in, fumbling for the key to his chain. By the time he got there he managed to find it and unlock it. Still, deathly silent, he turned quickly, putting the key back where it belonged against the wall. ~**~*~*~*~**~ Kuro can feel the waves of unease coming off of his partner in crime from the moment he steps into the block. So instead of trying to be reassuring he simply sits quietly and waits. He watches silently as first the door is unlocked, then his shackle. [i]'Come little one, do not break yet. You have only one more thing to do, and we're home free. . .Well, I am'[/i] He still feels a little guilty about what he is doing, but thoughts of what waits at the end of all the torment under the hands of the angels is enough to keep him silent, and focused. He had been a little worried that the kid would not make it, watching the guards leave with no Aoba in sight, however with how soon he arrived afterward, Kuro is still convinced that he can make it. He stands slowly, flexing his energy ever so slightly so that his stiff limbs relax and stop aching for now. [i]'Sleeping on a hard floor, no matter the position, is always bad for the body. . .'[/i] he muses, looking to the angel softly. His first time standing beside Aoba he takes a minute to take the angel in a little more fully from his new vantage point, but the moment is soon gone and he motions for Aoba to lead the way. The trip to the overseer's office is a short one, and it only takes an instant to confirm that the angel lady isn't inside. He can tell Aoba is ready to bolt so he quickly turns, his wings flaring out. “I know you've always wanted to see them. . .” He murmurs, reaching out to take hold of the angel like he always does. Leaning in he plants a gentle kiss right on Aoba's lips. It is gentle and sweet like all his other ones, and as he pulls back he whispers, “Good job, Aoba, my Little Mouse. . .” Letting Aoba goes he pays him no more mind and turns his attention to the door. He scoffs at the woman's arrogance as he notices no protective shields around the room so all it takes is a quick shove to pop it open. He can feel other angels getting close so in a flash the uses all of his speed to fly in, snap up his pendant, and with a loud crack, he is gone. His landing is none too gentle as he falls into his old stomping grounds. Several of the nearby demon laugh at his less than graceful landing and groan of pain as the sharp rocks dig into his back. Not wanting to give them a chance to tease him further Kuro takes off towards the nearest pool so he can recover his strength. He wants to get out of hell before his father has a chance to hunt him down. He always like to 'See how his little runt is doing' whenever he returns to the pit since he doesn't do it very often. The landscape below is full of large jagged peaks and small patches of lush grass that look very out of place. These parks were a fun idea by his father ages ago and the idea stuck. Many a demon would hand out on these grassy knolls, but Kuro is too busy to even spare them a glance. His mind wanders briefly back to the angel up in heaven who is most likely now being handed his head on a platter, but as soon as a pool comes into sight, all thoughts of Aoba fly from his mind. ~**~*~*~*~**~ Aoba's heart is pounding in his ears as he hurried to the office. He stayed silent, his fear only rising as he got closer and closer. Each step closer to the office he gets, the more he wants to bolt at the speed of light. It was obvious in his expression, and how jittery he was. The sudden view of his wings made his eyes widen, but he couldn't even enjoy it as he wanted to. The sound of angels nearly made him run for cover, but he was stopped and pulled into a kiss. It was on the lips this time, making his cheeks darken a little. He accepted the kiss, but jist as he wanted, he bolted when Kuro let go. Aoba didn't say a word, he just turned and ran to his room. The panic settled and his breathing quickened. The sudden regret and guilt hit him in the gut, and he closed his door. "It'll all be over...It'll all be over..." Aoba crawled under his blankets listening to the loud commotion that already started to build. He curled up, pulling his wings tight to his back. Not so soon, but almost soon enough there was a banging on his door that made Aoba's heart stop for a few short moments. It opened almost immediately and an angel yelled. "Aoba! The demon is gone! Come with me!" The angel flinched but slowly crawled out from his blanket and followed the angel. He kept his head lowered as he followed the angel, probably to somewhere safer if the demon decided to attack. [I] But he's not here... [/I] ~**~*~*~*~**~ “Send angels down to the portal rooms! Keep an eye on any small space, he may try to hide out until the middle of the night! Leave no stone unturned!” The overseer and her troops begin breaking the soldiers down into little search parties, at her side Fenrir barks orders for all the non battle ready staff to be evacuated, and all the medical staff to be on call should the demon attack anybody. She turns to the male, livid. “Where is that little medi angel? Wasn't he suppose to have a session about now?! If he'd have been on time. . .” Her voice trail off at the look on Fenrir's face. She follows his gaze to Aoba, being lead by one of the soldiers up to the generals. One look is all it takes for Fenrir to make a pretty accurate guess. In a flurry of wings he charges the soldier, brushing him aside as he lands right in front of Aoba. An instant later the overseer is at his side and the two of them are glaring daggers down at the smaller angel. His voice is surprisingly quite, but it is clear by his tone that he is far from calm. In a voice laced with fury he hisses, “You look me in the eye and tell me, under the name of God, that you had nothing to do with this.” ~*~*~*~*~ Kuro sighs as the hunks of replacement flesh peel off in the cepsus pools, his flesh quickly re-growing. The now nasty flesh colored lumps float away from him. [i]'Despite this smell, I can not deny that this stuff is like magic. . .'[/i] He hums softly, the stinging pain letting him know that his skin is regrowing, and quickly. [i]'Good, I want to get the hell out of hell, like, now'[/i] Unfortunately his fall to hell is not to be as peaceful as he'd hoped. With a groan he turns to face a familiar presence that had snuck up behind him. “Hi sis. . .” He mutters with a growl. The tall female, he battered looking wings hanging limply behind her like a kid that just got up and is dragging their limbs along, shakes her head and giggles. Her bushy long locks of curly hair catches the yellow light coming off of the pool and makes her look all the more lazy. Dipping her foot in the cepsus she kicks a bit and Kuro and giggles again. “What's up brat? Haven;t seen you in a while. To what do we owe the honor. No wait, don’t tell me, a big kitty scratched you again when you tried to play with it?” She breaks down into a fit of giggles as Kuro cringes at the memory. He had indeed tried to play with a Bengal tiger as a newbie on earth, his siblings continually telling him it's fun, but the encounter left him pretty banged up He had to spend several hours in the pool after that encounter. “Ha ha, very funny sis, but no. Just. . .None of your business actually.” He smiles up at her, his fangs bared. Still to sleepy to give him much grief she rolls her eyes and wanders off. Thankful for the quiet Kuro goes back to focusing on healing.