[quote=Theodorable] What shall be the resources that we'll have and will you be a banker of sorts to keep a ledger of those resources?If I have any input allowed at all, I've found an interesting mechanic to allow players larger nations while being balanced is equating to Stability. BTW. [/quote] Your resources will be your crops, people, and extra income earned from natural resources, infrastructure, trading and raiding. To a lesser extent, they will also be your weapons, armor, and horses. I will be keeping track of everyone's resources, but it would be wise to know what they are yourself. And do elaborate on this mechanic. As well, the rules finally finished: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B-sNYIZZQIltWnFJQ1pKcVp1LWM/edit I am still in the process of adding mercenaries and polishing off in-game actions and their costs, but everything needed to build your kingdoms is there, unless I've overlooked something. Additional 'Optional Concerns' are on the way, once I figure some out that are challenging yet fair handicaps. OOC on the way, along with a sign-up template. Expect them tomorrow.