Alyce's jerked her head up when he started to talk, then cocked it in confusion when he was cut off. She moved aside to avoid the man walking by them. Then she heard Matt mutter something and looked back at him. From the look on his face she wasn't sure if now was the time to ask if he was okay. He looked... shell-shocked was the only word she could think of. Had he recognized the man? Was he a friend or relative? She swallowed and avoided questioning him right then. They had to get somewhere safe first. Alyce approached the gate with her hands up. The guards immediately turned their weapons on her. She explained that she was an RD worker, described the attack and her attackers and told how Matt had helped her. Even though she had no identification they were able to take her picture and look her up in the system. They allowed her back into the city and provided an escort for her and Matt to her apartment. After telling her that some inspectors would be by the next day to talk to her about the attack, they left. Alyce opened her door and stepped inside the modest apartment. It had one bedroom, a bathroom and a room that served as a living room / dining room / kitchen. Going into a cabinet, she pulled out a false back on it to reveal a cache of food tins and a half-full bottle of dark colored alcohol. "Here," she said, handing them to Matt. "Make yourself at home. If you don't mind, I'd like to have the shower first." She went into her room and got out some clothes. The bathroom didn't have a door, just a sheet pinned above the doorway. So she was able to talk to him while she was in the shower. "I don't know if you have a place to stay or not," she said over the water. "But, I wouldn't mind you staying here for a little bit... if you wanted to that is." Once she was out of the shower she dried off and got dressed, coming out with the pants he had loaned her. "I'll wash these later," she promised before laying them over a chair. She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and sighed. "I still look like a mess," she said, shaking her head. Her lip was cut and she had a cut on her forehead plus a black eye that was getting darker. She looked at him, not really sure how to ask him anything without seeming like she was prying. "Listen," she finally said. "About that guy, the one who bumped into you? You seemed... stunned to see him. Is everything okay?" He had helped her, she was more then willing to help him if she could.