Well, sorry to barge in . :P I like this idea a lot, so I'm gonna leave my CS around and see if you'll accept me˜. --- [hider=CS][B]Name:[/B] Takatori Mei [B]Age:[/B] 12 [B]Appearance:[/B] [IMG]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-vmKf2xuPCrU/T3Cv1vD3UYI/AAAAAAAAHUw/_yp2ysWShp4/s1600/287a7626161c9825fac85e64b87dd12b.jpg[/IMG] She stands at 1.57 m and has an slender figure, however, her cleavage is, in the words of men she has encountered before, 'quite notorious' for a girl her age. She has blonde hair, often held in a ponytail as seen in the image. Her eyes are yellow. [B]Personality:[/B] She is known to be really smart, but also for being quite the slacker, often leaving things for the last moment, however, when that last moment indeed comes she is quite reliable and fast to get the job done. Mei also has the habit of getting distracted with anything she can get her hands on, even if that something is reading material straight out of a bottle of water, she'd do anything except paying attention to people talking, often coming across as a carefree and inattentive girl. Though it is partly true, she does it because she gets bored of listening or doing just one thing at a time, so she does something else to keep herself entertained. Mei is someone indifferent and bad when dealing with people, due to her not knowing how to read emotions and often taking things for granted. She is so oblivious of the emotions of others that she is often led to misunderstandings, though she doesn't mean anything bad by what she says. She also loves any thing that has to do with technology and often carries around many different kinds of technological devices. Though she is not a stranger to emotions as happiness or sadness, she just cannot wrap her head around what causes them, yes it may be a part of the brain, but not in everyone it manifests the same. Why doesn't it is what intrigues Mei the most. Due to her incapability of knowing what others are feeling, she has been called cruel and heartless and because of that, she has developed a deep fear for human interactions, mostly because she is scared of hurting others. So, she almost always tries to stir away from them. Such is her desire for that that she also developed her habit of seemingly not putting attention to other people when they talk by doing something else while talking to them. [B]Hopes and Dreams~:[/B] To finally understand other people and stop hurting herself by hurting others. [B]Equipment:[/B] [*]Different kinds of books. To keep herself entertained.[/*] [*] Walkman and earbuds. She can't walk around without them and when they are taken away from her she says she feels naked without them.[/*] [B]History:[/B] Since she was a child, she was almost always the odd one of the group. Though not emotionless as some other geniuses, well, in fact, quite the contrary, she was and still is oblivious of how other people may feel and because of it, she hurt many of her friends without really wanting to or without even realizing what was it that made them so mad. Through the process of that, she was also hurt countless times by the girls she herself used to called friends, all because of her stupidity when it came to emotions. It became more than obvious that feelings can't be measured or predicted with logic, since they vary from person to person. After a boy confessed his love for her, she asked with a dumbfounded face 'what is love?' and due to the lack of a logic and good answer, she turned the boy down and the boy ran off with tears in his eyes. One would think Mei would discard such a thing quickly, however, she remained curious about it. Why would someone cry and feel ad after being turned down by a girl? More importantly, why did he feel sad? Why did Mei's words hurt him? Was it really okay of her to turn the boy down over something so stupid? Why was she always left alone? Many unanswered questions and a big hole in Mei's heart was all she was left with. At some time, she gave up on trying to understand people, but the opportunity to become a Magical Girl wasn't to be overlooked, after all, something as illogical as magic may help her understand emotions. [B]Soul Colour:[/B] Red [B]Magical Girl Appearance:[/B]  [IMG]http://moe.animecharactersdatabase.com/uploads/chars/5092-392203660.jpg[/IMG] [B]Nickname:[/B] Cherry Vampire [B]Magic:[/B] Blood Pistols: A pair of twin handguns of 7 magical rounds each. One is white, while the other is red. Though it is somewhat limited with the number of rounds, the mags can be refilled with the blood, or whatever resembles it, taken from the body of her enemies. She can also make different kinds of rounds, such as explosive or piercing, however she needs to give her own blood to make that happen and depending on how much blood she is willing to sacrifice, it determines what kind of rounds they will be. When put together, the handguns can change into any other kind of firearm, however, when the mag increases, the more blood Mei will need to collect. The handguns absorb the blood from the floor, walls or even clothes when they are put near it. Mei can also recover from wounds by drinking blood, but to heal even a small wound she needs to consume lots of blood.[/hider] --- That's that, tell me if I need to change something.