Santa Cruz, a beautiful city on the coast of California and has its famous boardwalk with the Giant Dipper. Simon loved the beach and got a job at a surf shop in order to stay near the beach either known he has an apartment down the block for the surf shop. He got a day off from work because he hadn't had a day off and people were parked on the beach for fun, so he needed to have fun. The owner knew Simon that he had no day off so far and gave him one because he worked so hard, even joked about becoming the owner. It was 3:30 in the afternoon and the parking lot was full of cars and the local shops were packed to full, even the surfboards at the surf shop were almost empty. With one cup of water in one hand, he walked onto the sandy beach and couldn't help but smiled. The beach reminded him of the tales that his mother would tell other family members on Thanksgiving or on any holiday. He walked towards the sea and saw tons of people either on the water or resting on the sand, he saw a group of kids building sand castles. He decided to walk back towards his home until he saw something within the sea's horizon, he didn't know what it was but it looked like a cruise ship. Then some people saw it as well and went on with their lives, ships normally pass this beach. Simon decided to keep walking back to his home, it was just a block away from the beach, and he looked up and saw a KTLA Five news helicopter above the beach. He went from the beach to the street, he saw the parking lot starting to be empty out and then seen people going to the boardwalk. He opened his door with the keys in his pocket and closed the door once he went inside; he went to the couch and turned the TV on. He went to channel five and wanted to know about the news, but it was on commercials about Carl's Jr. Simon waited as the commercial ended and the 4:00 news began. Simon sat and heard through the news as they were talking about Russia's actions over at Europe and how the military has increased more than ever in Europe and the Middle East. He put his feet on the table and grabbed a cup of water that he left at the table early and looked at the weather, sunny for the week and high temperatures for the weekend. It was on a commercial about Samsung's Galaxy S5 until a breaking news blasted on the TV and Simon grabbed the remote as most breaking news are about pursuits that are in a different city. But something stopped him and dropped the remote to the table, he through that it wouldn't hurt to watch a pursuit. But the news anchor said, "We have breaking news, an unknown ship is on the horizon of Santa Cruz coastlines and the National Guard is on the way to look at the ship. It looks like it hasn't been activated or something else. We got Colonel Paul H. McGillicuddy from Beale Air Force Base in Marysville. Paul, could you tell us about the ship?". Using the power of Skype, Paul appeared and said, "We don't know anything about the ship but we'll sent the 9th Reconnaissance Wing in before we sent in the 'real guns'. But we'll keep yo-" the connection was interrupted by something and Paul's words couldn't make sense, "Hello- is th- worki-". The news anchor looked to his right with an odd look and turned to the camera and said, "We have connection issues for some reason, but we'll keep on trying to raise him again.". Simon got his feet off of the table and with his shoes still on, he got outside and walked towards the beach once more, he wanted to know what’s going on. He saw people walking towards the beach or looking for their yards. Simon saw some people leaving the beach with a rush to get out there, but most stayed, either not knowing what is going on or want to see what happens next. Then out of the nowhere two F-Eighteens appeared and raced towards the ship as did a National Guard boat, and something happened as the ship launched something towards the sky. It went up at first, but rushed down towards the boat, destroying the boat and making a bang sound that shook the beach. The people were in horror as they saw what just happened and the KTLA news helicopter looked towards the ship now and the two F-Eighteens were met with two unknown jets. The jets met in the sea and they were now in a fight for their lives, one of the F-Eighteens were followed by the unknown jet and the jet launched rockets, which hit the F-Eighteen. The F-Eighteen was on fire as people were still in horror and it was coming down onto the beach and the people began to run as the jet crashed on the Giant Dipper, it destroyed the Dipper as the jet blew up. The sound of the explosion could be heard all over the city as people were running towards the boardwalk with one woman shouting that her kids were on it. Simon couldn't believe it as he stool still and people were running away from the beach, the Giant Dipper was gone and he was thankful that he wasn't on it. But the dogfight at the sea began to look bad for the F-Eighteen but he saw something worst at the sky. He saw white parachutes dotting the skies and he knew now what was going on, America was under attack.