Genevieve kept silent throughout the ride until he stopped. She took his hand with a small smile and slid off of the horse. She shook her head, "I'm as ordinary as it gets. Maybe even lower than that. Not to mention I've never even seen a member of any royal family. I have no idea how His Majesty would even know my name or appearance." She took in a deep breath as she sat down on the bedroll and leaned back against the tree behind her. "Thank you." She mumbled. She had no idea how she would get any sleep. Her eyes found the stars and they gave her a small comfort. She had always loved the stars. They were beautiful and she often wondered if her real parents were one of them. Did they watch over her on life's difficult journey? Or were they still alive and they just didn't want her? So many questions she knew she'd never have an answer for. Now she had many many more. She had no idea what royalty would want to do with her besides ignore her. She often could not take baths, or swims for that matter, therefore, she stank. Her hair was likely a tangled mess. Her personality was stale at best. She knew that sitting there and staring at stars was not likely to calm her so she slid down and got comfortable on the bedroll and closed her eyes.