[center][img=http://i.imgur.com/recHv2F.jpg][/center][b]Name:[/b] Tachibana, Suika [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Personality:[/b] [i]She's the older sister with the heart of gold, a girl with a powerful protective and caring instinct, especially for her juniors. She is seldom selfish, due to some deeply rooted belief that she committed some dire sin, and that she must make up for it by giving herself to the cause of good. She finds it difficult to hate or become angry, instead keeping a virtually unbreakable smile that gives others a glimpse into the depths of her determination. She refuses to lose, and her ability to keep hope even in the darkest of moments is what allows her to pull forth unimaginable miracles. Truly, even among the sparkling forces of justice, she shines the brightest of all. She understands that she is weak, and her greatest fear is that one day she will have to face an enemy that she cannot defeat on her own...[/i] [b]Hopes and Dreams~:[/b] Suika hopes to retire from the magical girl life in the near future, perhaps to settle down in Hinamizawa Academy, so that she can continue to protect and train future generations of magical girls. Her dream is to sew a golden utopia for all magical girls, one untarnished by the darkness of despair. [b]Equipment:[/b] [i]-Photo album? -Charm of some sort, containing fond memories -Wallet, containing a collection of mundane currency and a few photos. Strangely, contains no I.D.[/i] [b]History:[/b] [i]Suika is old for a magical girl, but her contract was not one she had a choice to make. Some terrible event happened in her past, one that sprung her to bring up her needle against evil for the first time. The Overseer was disappointed, if they had met her only a few years younger, she could have become the most powerful magical girl of the century. As is, she is still a brilliantly talented magical girl, albeit one without much in the way of destiny. Still, she's fought longer than anybody can imagine, and with each passing battle she shines even brighter...[/i] [b]Soul Colour:[/b] [i]Gold[/i] [b]Magical Girl Appearance:[/b] When Suika transforms, whatever clothes she was wearing prior is replaced by a suitable dress or uniform composed entirely of golden thread. Unlike many magical girls, her uniform is rarely in the same form each time she transforms, perhaps because of her connection to sewing? [b]Magic:[/b] [i]Suika's magic is...abnormal, much like her soul colour. While ordinary Magical Girls possess colours like that of the rainbow, her soul shines with an unwavering gold brilliance that outshines all else. How can one girl create such a radiant light? Still, her magical power is deceptively low, as a result of her being years past the ideal age for a magical girl. The manifestation of her magic is a golden needle called Victory, sewing golden thread made from the essence of her very soul. The needle's size changes in her hands, but it always feels perfectly balanced in her hand, only moving as willed and without a fraction of inaccuracy. The thread also moves in accordance to her will, allowing her to restrain others or even create platforms in mid air as necessary.[/i]