I was reading over the costs for weaponry for armies. I find the idea of determining whether the person is armed with a mace or a sword to be kind of far too much ddelving into specifics. Especially since the statistics of the weapons are not their. (as in, paying for pikes or swords seems to have no bearing on the armies utility, other than to say as flavour text that I have 2000 Pikeman and 500 Swordsman) In regards to thsi the solution I would present would be to not have individual weapons purchased for soldiers, but to give the upfront cost of turning a peasant into either Light Infantry, Pikeman, Heavy Infantry, Crossbowman, Archer, Light Cavalry, Heavy Cavalry, Cavalry Archer. (As well the cost for any siege equipment is not present; good luck trying to siege a great wall, and a fortified manor without such implements). In my mind this has the same affect as the system of weaponry buying you were going for, but simplifies the system down, without making it just generic troops. As it stands it seems to a rather pointless exercise to decide between maces, battleaxes, or regular axes. Perhaps I'm missing some point or note or reason fro this very intricate system of arming or your peasants?