These shall all be 3rd person, casual, Thread Based RP's only thank you. [B]Stalker Much?[/B] (Closed) -Seeking Male -Modern -Sci-Fi? [Hider=Plot]So your character is just a normal boy. Or so he thinks. He's one of those shy kids of school, preferring the company of just a few close friends or even no one but himself if you like over that of many, one of those kids who a lot of people in the year would look at and wonder if he even went to their school. However his life is turned upside down when he returns from school on the eve of his 16th birthday to find his parents brutally murdered and is narrowly saved from a bomb that had been planted in his house by a popular girl from school. She quickly explains that there were people out there who were out there who were trying to kill him, though she refuses to reveal more until he is somewhere safe. When they arrive at her house the girl reveals that he is part of a blood line that has been gifted with the ability to predict the future, though his family have not presented any signs for a number of generations now, until him. She explains he's done something that has gotten their attention, meaning he's likely going to develop the powers tonight and that they were now after his life. Luckily they now think he's dead so he's safe as long as he keeps his head down. How does she know this? Well she can see the future too, though she's had a lot more preparation for this life than he has, training and such. Apparently she's been watching him for quite a while now, just in case he did get powers and it has been her responsibility to keep him safe until they could confirm if he had them or not. However it's difficult to watch someone for that long without getting some kind of attachment to them. What is this girl hiding? What isn't she telling him?[/hider] A bunch of Mutant RP's [b]School Setting[/b] (Closed) -Seeking Male -Near Future -Scifi [hider=Plot]Your character is currently attending a school for specially gifted individuals. He can be a newer student or a longer member, even a teacher/mentor figure, your choice. After seeing a news report about an unusual snowstorm in Florida during the middle of summer he approaches one of the mentors who agrees to go and take a look at it, suspecting it may be another person with powers and takes your character with them at his request. When they arrive they discover, after asking around town, that they need to go to the hospital to find the source of the storm. There they discover an entire ward has been shut down due to the ice. The pair are led to the ward, where everything is frozen and ice is covering a majority of the walls and surfaces, as well as a chilling breeze blowing from further in. Following it to the source they discover a very frightened girl (my character), clearly unable to get a control on her ice powers. They offer to take her back to the school to help her to learn how to control them, but she's very withdrawn, simply demanding they stay away because she doesn't want to hurt them. The mentor uses her own powers to put the girl to sleep, and they take her back to the school anyway, deciding she can't stay there as she's too much of a danger. From there I don't have much of a plot, perhaps just our characters getting to know each other, him trying to get her to come out of her shell and not be afraid of her powers. More can be discussed in PM and suggestions are welcome.[/hider] [b]Government Agets[/b] (Closed) -Seeking Male -Present -Scifi [hider="Plot "] Your character is a member of a special organization, outside the government and beyond the police. A special force that deals specifically with mutant problems. Each human member is partnered with a mutant, someone they are responsible for. It's a partnership designed to try and encourage the cooperation of the other mutants, the ones that are out there causing trouble. Some of them are just trying to lead normal lives, but are still proving themselves to be a danger because of their inability to control their powers, others are simply taking advantage of these new powers to cause trouble and commit crimes. Your character's partner has recently been killed in action, and today is the day he's being assigned a new one, despite his express wish not to.[/hider] [b]Mutant's underground[/b] (Open) [hider=Plot]Your character is the leader, or at least one of the founding members, of a group of mutants who are currently in hiding. The world is not an overly friendly place towards mutants at the moment, since they are a recent development, people are still scared and wary. He goes out one night during a terrible thunderstorm to try and find a new recruit, whom he believes may be the cause of the storm. From there is would mainly be a kind of survival game, them living in remote and hidden places in the big group to ensure they don't get caught as there have been rumors of mutants mysteriously disappearing off the streets. A mystery we will defiantly delve into later in the plot.[/hider] [b]Pirates[/b] (Closed) -Seeking Male (MxF pairing) -EITHER Pirate era or Futuristic -Action/Adventure/Romance [hider=Pirate Era]Your character is a young teenage boy (between 16-18) and is known throughout the town to be a bit of a delinquent, always getting in trouble with the law. One day he decides to run off and join a pirate's crew, because of whatever you may decide are his reasons. He's assigned to one of the longer serving members who is in charge of making sure he learns the ropes. However the more time he spends with the man assigned to teach him the more he begins to suspect that there may be something more to them than meets the eyes.[/hider] [hider=Future Era] Once again we follow a young teenage boy who has trouble with the law. However this time, after going too far he is sent to serve time on a space ship to hopefully sort him out and help him get his act together. On this ship he is assigned a mentor who is in charge of showing him the ropes and teaching him how things are run, making sure he doesn't get in trouble and trying to help him cope with some of his issues. Things take a turn for the worst though, when the ships crew, his mentor and the captain reveal themselves to be space pirates, and the boy caught up in their lawless affairs. Will he take to this new lifestyle? Or will he simply do what needs to be done to keep himself alive?[/hider]