Aoba stumbled backwards when Fenrir suddenly appears. The immediate dread hits him, and the fury in his voice sent cold chills down his spine. He couldn't speak, nor could he move. The soldier that was escorting him didn't hear the low words, but he did hear the hiss making even him step back a little. The overseer had followed him over and Aoba feels his heart stop once more. If he wasn't so frozen in place, the poor angel would have fainted. [I]'What have I done...? [/I] "Speak Aoba!" The overseer demanded in the midst of the chaos. Time had stopped for the little angel. Everything was slowing down around him. The angel was frozen with fear as his wide blue eyes went from Fenrir to the overseer. "I demand you sp-!" Fenrir stopped her, knowing that it wouldn't work if they continued yelling at him. He held his hand up to her, telling her to wait. "Aoba. Did you, or did you not have anything to do with this?" His voice was low, and his eyes still held the glare, but it was enough to break through to the angel. In a flash, tears streamed from his face and he fell to his knees. "I don't know what I- I couldn't and he- But I tried to- I'm so sorry- I didn't mean to-!" Aoba's answer came out as rambles and pleading cries. He didn't know what to do or where to turn to. The angel was so lost, and all of a sudden there was a cold heavy metal on his wrists. It made him lean forward and nearly fall over. The overseer only glared, hearing enough to convince her that he was guilty. At that point, even Fenrir got a little defensive of his medi angel. "The cuffs aren't necessary. He can barely lift them. He's not going to overpower anyone. He-" "He's guilty of a crime and thus will be treated like a prisoner!" The overseer barked out before yanking the angel to the prison. Fenrir stood straight, unable to save the little angel and not planning to against the law. Aoba was silent, staring off into space, trying to find an escape. But that never came, and he was tossed into one of the cells with the cuffs left on. "Where is he!?" "He's gone..." Aoba whispered, looking at the ground. She barked the question once more, not hearing him the first time. "He's gone! I don't know where but he's not here!" Aoba yelled put before turning his back to the cell bars amd curling up into a ball. "You're judgement will be in due time." Aoba curled up still, unsure if he could cry anymore. Instead he just wondered what was going on, and how everything could spiral so fast. He looked at the little cuts on his wrists as he laid there and attempted to heal them under the cuffs, but they were in the way. So, he laid there, keeping his eyes shut.