Unfazed by the stab of a fork, the Bartender told him to relax and seat down, ironically, the performers and the others don't even care what happened as if it were normal but no it is abnormal. [b]"That's right, you are watching the events that happened seven years ago, the very same day as today, Friday the 13th and surprisingly today is also Friday the 13th.... July 13, 2110. If you look at it this way...A same event or closer may occur tonight before 10PM."[/b] He walks forward on stage and asked his men to play the music faster in tempo. A sighed followed by the Bartender, he said, [b]"I don't have any reason to kill you but the Spiders do, I'm just a Bartender and an Informant, and an Art Teacher too, I suppose."[/b]He said calmly with sanity. [b]"I'm guessing you already know the common questions that were not only to be asked by me such as how long are you gonna run away but I know a few things that can help you clear your name off from the Spiders. The annual Reisha Exams is drawing near, all you have to do is pass that exams and you will receive the position as a Guardian/Spirit Warrior or whatever."[/b]He said while playing with his cards and throwing it to Enrico which later became a set of keys, one of it were car keys and house keys. Tsubaki uses his cards to form a cigarette and smokes, "Want one?." [b]"Every person has its fateful encounter, the past is history,tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift, that is why we call it present. If you kill me here, the Spiders will not only be after you, everyone will. So, what do you plan to do? Runaway or take the Reisha Exams to clear your name?."[/b]He asked.