Kuro lets out a long sigh. The cool evening air feels chilly against his skin but he does not recoil, The taste of freedom is far to sweet for him to reject even an instant of it. His healing only took about an hour and he was able to get to one of the portals without being stopped. There were a few cat calls, both his scantly clad backside and the smell of his blood attracting some lesser demons. With a happy smile he falls on to his back into the tall grass onto his newly regenerated skin. He shudders a little, the new skin more sensitive than the old stuff, but as he relaxes into the prickly green stalks he hums happily. “Back to where I belong.” he murmurs happily, his grin wide and his arms stretched out as far as they can go. Bringing one of them up he lets out a sigh. If there is one draw back to the pools it's that they do not heal scars. His once near flawless skin is now covered with stark white lines where each scar the little angel had failed in it's removal. At the thought of Aoba Kuro lets out another, longer, sadder sigh. “Poor Little Mouse.” he murmurs softly, his arm falling back into the grass. “I Know there's no point in hoping, but if there is any way it would be great if he could really stay up there. . .Where he belongs. . .” Quite to his own surprise Kuro finds himself missing the little angel, his chest tightening as he thinks about how he is now most likely already imprisoned. “Poor Little Mouse. . .” he says again softly. ~*~*~*~*~*~ However he is wrong. Finding his guilt not in question in her own mind, the overseer has already called together the full council of heaven and his trial is about to begin. As Aoba is dragged into the room Fenrir feels slightly torn at the sight, but he stands off in the witness box with all six of the demon's guards, including the two who were taken off the duty. Green can not help the sneer on his face at both Fenrir and Aoba. Around the room the council whispers softly, many looking down at the small angel with disgust and disbelief. Aoba is lead to the accused platform, a small round platform just big enough to kneel on with a spotlight shinning down from high above. The light represents God's watchful eye and as Aoba if forced to his knees on the platform the room falls silent. His hands are lashed to a small protuberance on the platform so he has to sit with his arms pulled together in front of him, his knees on either side of his hands. As the hush falls the overseer and the rest look to the High Judge in silence, awaiting his word to begin.