[Hider=Archer Perrot][center][img=http://37.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3vr0f02hb1qzlsiwo1_1280.jpg][/center] [center][i][b]"i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart)i am never without it(anywhere i go you go,my dear;and whatever is done by only me is your doing,my darling)"[/b][/i][/center] --- [center][b]Name:[/center][/b] [center]Archer Vernay Perrot[/center] [center][b]Alias:[/center][/b] [center]Archie, Vern, Parrot, Arch[/center] [center][b]Appearance:[/center][/b] [center][i]“Sometimes it just feels best to cry so our heart can express itself in a way in which words cannot.”[/i][/center] [center]There's not an emotion that Archer can't express, and deliver with extreme poignancy. It digs down deep and forces one to feel it on an almost inhumanly vicarious level. On a less exaggerating note, Archer is a very dynamic individual when it comes to his emotions. They may not truly force an individual to feel exactly what he is and on the level that he is, but it still brings a range of empathy from others that not many people are able to do. But that might be due to his likeness and not exactly his expressive potential. And Archer relishes in the emotions that impact him, regardless of what they are; he takes a satisfaction in knowing that he's so susceptible to his affections and that it makes him feel alive. It's not everyday that someone is grateful for the sorrow or anger that strikes them. But being grateful is certainly different than being excited. Of course, being so expressive has its downsides and sometimes it's not a good thing to wear your heart on your sleeve or to be able to show emotion as vividly. Discomfort or sadness can be taken advantage of, especially when being passionate often means having more obvious tells during nervous situations. Archer usually licks his lips incessantly with tensed brows and a scrunched up nose, as well as moves his shoulders like they've suddenly tensed up. Disregarding the dynamic expressions, Archer is a very business oriented male, often looking the part down to the clacking of his wingtips on tile floor. His mind set often leaks into the way he gestures or moves, often tame and with a purpose. Generally, he maintains a rather conservative apparel—disregarding that meaning fiscally—and hairstyle, though he's fond of keeping it somewhat lengthy for a short hairstyle. With coal black hair that contrasts his eyes to the point they stand out the most from the range of features he has—crisp jawline and sharp nose and canines out to here, but all excluding his to die for hair—it's hard not to find him in a crowd of people. He has that sense of professionalism about him that carries even into his casual relationships, though he certainly doesn't always mean business. With a six even height and weight that just borders 176 lbs, Archer has an athletic body that fills out most of what he wears well and distinctly. He's precise in just about anything, though in particular his movements, which denote a perfect stride and posture that radiates business over pleasure. What would seem like an intimidating fellow often is considered more amicable than expected, in part due to how well he expresses himself and moods, as well as the fact that he does have a sense of goofy charm about him. It often comes out in the way that he moves and gestures, though it never falters from the business aspect that surrounds him. But, he's more likable than he first seems, one just has to see that dopey smile and hear his guffaw of a laugh. And despite whether he looks like the head CEO of a major corporation or the goofiest, least funny father, there's always that hidden charm that shines whenever he smiles or when he's at the height of an emotional outbreak (happiness or otherwise) that never fails to leave the tiniest inclination that he's the unattainable Disney prince who, more or less, is off to save his soon to be lover. Not to mention that everything about him twinkles; his eyes, teeth, skin, like he's a goddamn Twilight Vampire—which shames the vampire name. Rest assured, he's a thousand times better, even in analogy. But boy, would he make a good Cullen.[/center] [center][b]Age:[/center][/b] [center]32[/center] --- [center][img=http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8td5tHCy91qghgkho1_250.gif][/center] [center][i][b]"i fear"[/b][/i][/center] --- [center][b]How long has your character been teaching at Caelbury Academy?:[/center][/b] [center]2 years[/center] [center][b]Social Class: [/center][/b] [center]High-Class[/center] [center][b]Social Class Explanation:[/center][/b] [center]Archer was essentially born in a sketchy neighborhood in the suburbs of Paris and was a rather impoverished kid who knew his way around tourists, particularly their pockets. But, he rose out of that, married wealthy, and went on a political circuit through France, as well as starting up his own business. Through the accumulation of notice and money, he became accustomed to the high-life of society in general before moving to the United States to eventually settle down as a French Diplomat and entrepreneur after being forced to 'retire' in a sense and give his company to a close friend of his; he still gets most of the money out of the two. Being restless, he went on to teaching.[/center] [center][b]Subject:[/center][/b] [center]Teaches Economics/Government, Finance and Business Math, Sociology, and a few Math Courses[/center] [center][b]Why is your character teaching here?:[/center][/b] [center]Retired CEO who has a issues sitting down? What better to do with your energy then teach elite and gifted students? Plus, golfing his life away simply wasn't an option; there's too much he can do for the world to waste it away on some overly expensive club pass to sit around in a golf cart.[/center] --- [center][img=http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m75s9rKZaK1rz6i9uo4_250.gif][/center] [center][i][b]"no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true) and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is you"[/b][/i][/center] --- [center][b]Personality:[/center][/b] [center][i]"Lying is like 95% of what I do."[/i][/center] [center]As expressed prior, Archer is very susceptible to his own sensitivity and displays his emotions freely. This is a common and unique trait that many people attribute him as; Archer lets you know when he's satisfied, when he's happy, or when he's disappointed. He lays it bare in a very candid way, though it's not cut and dry. What he shows is very genuine, what he feels is very real, but what's underneath isn't exactly what people expect. Sure, he's an honest person when it comes to his emotions and what he generally does. Archer isn't prone to outright lying to other people unless the situation called for it—people don't need things sugarcoated, but sometimes they don't need to know certain things at all. What people see is what people get, yes, and that's usually a goofy, honest person with a penchant for laughing at anything. But, Archer's motives behind what he does and how he feels usually doesn't match what the rest of society would deem average. It's not how a normal individual would act, but it's certainly not something to be alarmed about; it just lies in between socially normal and kind of weird. Archer isn't a sinister person, nor would he either claim or want to be, but the way he acts can be considered just a little underhanded. In particular, he's not a very trusting individual, in spite of his blatant tendencies, but he gives people a sense of trust, even if that's not necessarily what it is. Most people take it for what it feels like because Archer doesn't draw much suspicion. As well, Archer tends to do certain things to further his own goals and he likes to be subtle in doing so. His biggest red herring is the fact that he feels emotions so freely and gives a general ease due to his supposed vulnerability. And despite generally wearing his heart on his sleeve, he does so to get what he wants out of people and sometimes it can be a bit selfish. He generally can be selfish, though he isn't motivated purely on avarice or anything negative, just his own survival. Of course, what he does show is genuine, but it may be to get to a goal he's set or it could be that he's backed into a corner. Archer backed into a corner can be rather manipulative and cunning to the point where he'd do almost anything, provided it's sly enough, to either get out of it or switch places with the individual or individuals who backed him up in the first place. Sadly, it's most the latter. He's not a vindictive person unless he needs to be. But, setting aside all his underhandedness, Archer likes people and people usually like him. He takes a lot of things with a professional manner, but isn't above being casual when he wants to be. Often considered by others as charismatic and sensitive, as well as possibly a little bit too talkative. When Archer stops talking he's either uncomfortable, extremely focused, or in a situation he doesn't want to be in. Of course, he's not loud and usually talks in a matter befitting the situation, but it's getting him to shut up that's the hard part. He's man who always has something to say. It's this boundless energy that often leads him to always talk or be doing something. He's very much an extrovert who has some tendencies to keep certain aspects, usually the negative ones, to himself and thus this leads him to be adept at socialization. If people get past the annoying parts of him, as well as his need to touch and invade personal space, then he's actually quite a likable guy. He's never actively looking to run people over when trying to achieve his goals and, more often than not, will aid others whenever possible. However, the nature of what he does and how he gets there doesn't leave many people routing for him when they get the bad side of the coin. And it doesn't necessarily leave him feeling guilty either, due to how hardened his past has made him and that can be a bit off putting, as his conscience takes a lot to shake. But he likes people and it's never a personal thing if they happen to get thrown under the bus. Though, if there was anything that swayed him into certain decisions or sacrificing his well being, it would probably be children. He loves them and has a soft spot for most toddlers up to teenagers and usually is lenient concerning how they can be. Unless you happen to cross the line with him and that's pretty difficult to do, aside from blatant disrespect for authority or the well-being of a human being. Short of actual threats, he won't do much unless specifically helped or provoked. He's an understanding fellow because he's been through a lot in his life and understands what it feels like to go through the throes of teenagerdom, so if you happen to piss him off, you probably deserve whatever the consequences are. Essentially, Archer is a bit of a crafty individual, but has a sense of wonderment in the way he feels the world, who also happens to be able to talk someone's ears off in the goofiest manner possible.[/center] --- [center][img=http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3xpn7FMqi1qb9v25o4_250.gif][/center] [center][i][b]"here is the deepest secret nobody knows (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide) and this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart"[/b][/i][/center] --- [center][b]History:[/center][/b] [center]Life is a roller coaster and more than not the fall seems a lot steeper than it actually is. Archer's life started off on a decline, being born into one of the roughest areas outside of Paris, France to an unmarried, teenage couple. He grew up in the tiniest apartment on a street that was lit up only by the luminescent glow of the city not too far away. It was an impoverished neighborhood full of various ethnic groups, of which his family was the exception, being fully white European. He didn't have many friends and resorted to staying inside his home for fear of what might happen to him should he wander off alone. It wasn't the best life, but he couldn't quite tell the difference at such a young age. After a few years, his stay at home mother could no longer stay home and she hadn't the experience to take on a reasonably paying job. Naturally, she resorted to petty crime and often roamed the tourist heavy streets of Paris pick-pocketing unwary travelers. And she used him as a worthy distraction. She'd situate him in some tourists way, call after her child, and when someone approached her with Archer in tow, she'd rush to thank the man with a forceful hug, giving Archer time to rifle through pockets and purses to grab whatever he could. They'd be gone and off to another target in no time, with an assortment of cash and jewelry and other expensive accessories that they pawned off later to help supply and feed their family. This continued well into his years in school, where he could work his way out of the slums he was forced into, but money was still and issue and he'd not have a shelter if he didn't help pay the bills. So, he'd forgo his grades and education for stealing, mugging, swindling, scamming tourists, whatever got money the quickest. His parents often forced him unnecessarily out of his classes just because he was so proficient in supplying them with whatever they needed. This, naturally, sabotaged his grades and spiraled him into a life of petty crime that would inevitably lead to bigger, greedier, and more dangerous offenses. From a kid's eyes, it seemed like they were destined to be chained in that vicious cycle set on by the poverty that struck unfortunate people. But, as Archer grew older, he would never allow himself to accept that fate; there was more to life than scrapping for money in order to survive. His wouldn't allow himself to be destined to that kind of life. So, his parents understood what he wanted and found a reasonable solution to his worries. They were strained and could barely survive until he was of age to find a job, but they made it. His grades mattered to him, and though they didn't necessarily get him into the best college, he learned that there was definitely a lot more to education and success than a petty degree. He did raise himself out of the slums that he was in, but not by much; he was still tight on money and he would continue to be until he found a calling that wasn't pick-pocketing or committing various other crimes. That didn't happen until halfway through his second year at university, after having taken a semester of a business oriented class, as well as an economics class. Now, he wasn't at all the next Bill Gates or Steve Jobs... actually, he tried to run a company and utterly failed at it, but that was to be expected the first try. He dropped out of college the next year to get with a friend to work on the first iteration and when that failed, he was left on his ass to wonder what he was doing with his life. However, an idea had struck him and he invested whatever money he had left in his newest idea. The end result garnered him a large some of money and what would become one of the more successful business in the world, being a top competitor in its field of manufacturing. And all of that at the ripe age of 22, with his friend being just a bit younger than he at 20. The business gathered the attention of potential investors, but one in particular offered him a sum of money he thought he'd never see in his entire life. The man wanted a portion of the company's stock, as well as a potential, high-up job position for his daughter, all for approximately 100 million dollars investment. It didn't seem like too much of a bad idea then, but if he'd thought it over, he might have convinced himself to say no. Or rather, maybe he'd understand the consequences a little better. It went off rather well and he was soon approaching that time where things just settled into a lull, a quiet haze. His company made a fortune and he was proud of that, but there was something missing in what he was currently doing. His friend had suggested, jokingly at that time, to go into politics, not expecting that Archer would dive in head first. Naturally, he didn't have much influence and wasn't too successful in getting his foot in the door, especially since he hadn't completed his education at the university. However, noticing his struggle, the woman he'd given CFO to had approached him with an offer of her own. Her father was a political powerhouse and had a lot of pull in the country. If he married her, then he'd allow him to rise up the ranks rather quickly. Being a bit rash in his still young age, he agreed, not knowing that he'd made the biggest mistake in his life. He did a lot of good work in his torment, though, and eventually garnered a great position as a diplomat for France to the U.S.A. after a few years on the political circuit in France. Aside from this job he maintained, he'd given his friend, who was essentially his co-founder and carried the title of VP of the company—he still maintained an equal amount of power as he did, but it was formality—full management of the company, entrusting him with keeping it growing and stable whilst he go off whimsically cavorting with politicians from around the world. Luckily, his friend didn't mind running a company alone, nor did he mind that a portion, albeit a slightly cut portion to be fair, was still paid to him. During this time, he'd married Vanessa and had a child with her not long after. However, he'd not had the opportunity to really get to know her beforehand and the marriage ended up being a total disaster. She was high class and had everything she ever wanted at the palm of her hand; the CFO position she held in his company was just to gather experience and make connections for both her and her father. And she was manipulative and passive-aggressive to a fault, with terrible addictions to both alcohol and the more high-society drugs like cocaine and Quaalude. She ruined people's lives without a thought and spit on those she deemed lower than her. In short, she was a nightmare in 9-inch heels and he hated her guts like no other. Unfortunately, she forced him to do quite a bit of things he wasn't too proud of and it eventually ruined their marriage. In fact, the line was drawn when she'd drugged his friend and pretty much seduced him into sleeping with her and to rub salt in the wound, she pretty much had an orgy with him right afterwards. It was sickening and he made sure their child wouldn't be raised under such wickedness. However, their divorce was long and drawn out and she made sure to rake him and his child through hell before she finally let go of him. He couldn't quite say the same thing for his son, who she won custody of after having bribed the judge and various officials into keeping him and deeming him an unfit parent. The only thing he got out of that relationship was his child and an awakening only a father could experience. That boy was practically his everything and she knew it; when she'd found the weakness she dug her finger so far into the wound that he practically had to bend to her will then. It was all to make the kid's life better and he knew that. But when she took him, he fell into a berserk rage he'd never felt in his life, further giving the court evidence, in spite of their bribe, that he was the villain in the relationship. Fortunately for him, he'd convinced the judge to give him at least one day to see him. He'd move the family the United States well before any of this happened, so at least he had that going for him. Of course, he was in no state of mind to do anything but focus on getting his kid back, so his friend talked him into retiring for a bit from any super important work. He took this time to calm down, take things slow, continue working as a Diplomat before he finally decided he couldn't quite focus well enough for that. Eventually, he moved to Caelbury, where they accepted his current credentials as worthy enough to teach their, after he got his license, of course, and he made he staid there, in hopes to rebuild his life and focus on something else than getting back at the bitch who stole his kid.[/center] [center][b]Miscellaneous:[/center][/b] [center]—Has a 4 year old son, Drexler Butler Perrot— —Was married for 6 years to a woman he absolutely despised— —What's his sexuality? I'll leave that a mystery, for now, but if you know me, you can doubt that I changed it because I probably didn't, teehee— —Would have gone into acting if he thought he would have made money from it, but he didn't, so he... didn't— —Loves ferrets and has one named [url=http://37.media.tumblr.com/32fcfff12d56c20b432f5482e18c226c/tumblr_n3mjti9SEp1qzdmyro1_1280.jpg]Sif[/url]. Together, they made Vanessa's life a living hell.— —Has a slight French accent, but it normally goes unnoticed. Can speak French, German, Russian, English, and Italian, and some Hebrew and Arabic— —Has the tendency to compulsively lie, but has been working on it for awhile now. It especially becomes noticeable when he's nervous or backed into a corner; what he'd do for survival of any kind often shows the darker aspects of who he is—[/center] --- [center][img=http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m84ezrG2tb1rtwu9x.gif][/center] [center][i][b]"i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)" —E.E. Cummings, i carry your heart with me (i carry it in[/b][/i][/center][/hider]