Macaroth came out of the chapel followed by his latest reborn and his Monks. He had the newborn outfitted and join the patrol effort. He took the monks and decided to go visit the nearby city and see what influence he can gather from the people. A white steed was brought to him and black horses for his monks. The group saddled up and rode out accompanied by a dozen mounted Man-at-Arms wielding sword and shield. It would take them the entirety of the day to ride there but that didn't matter. Once he arrived at the outlying farms people started noticing him right away, by now rumors of his return had spread through the surrounding lands like wildfire thanks to the works of his monks. The people gathered around him slowly the number swelling to a few hundred who just couldn't believe their eyes. He smiled and politely greeted the gathered townspeople and farmers "Greetings good people, It has been a long time since I have walked these lands. I am happy to find its people thriving yet i sense a darkness upon your weary souls and bodies. I have returned to renew your life" The people just whispered and followed him and his party as he slowly walked toward the main gates of the city, steadily swelling the gathering making the murmurs swell just as much. At the gates he was confronted by a troop of guards headed by what looked like two high ranking mages from the fire and water factions. Not only were they displeased by what they saw they were obviously threatened, they ordered the guards to surround them only to be met by halberds pointed outwards and men with steely resolve ready to throw down their lives, even the monks pulled short swords from the folds of their robes, the monks and the mages had been feuding for generations but it never did escalate because the monks were peacekeepers first and foremost. The water mage calmed the situation down a bit and looked up at Macaroth "i do not know what sorcery is this but you are not welcome back, a ghost from a distant and forgotten past" Macaroth smiled and looked down at them with contempt, even if he wasn't who he claimed to be the blatant disrespect for history in general offended him "I have come back to restore this land to its former glory, the once mighty Akrassan people will be reunited under a single banner, they will be respected once more as a force in the world. You and your feeble brethren have turned this land into a place of never ending strife and conflict, where blood flows more than the great rivers that water the land you burn so freely. Your reign of terror and corruption has come to a close, repent your sinning and throw down your power or i swear by all that once was holy and shall be again i will rip your power from your cold dead hands." The fire mage went into a fit and just as he was about to summon his magic Macaroth spread his brilliant wings and left him awestruck long enough to forget what he was doing. He then turned and began the ride back to Akrassa. His challenge was given, the board and the pieces were now set.