[U][B]Personal Information[/B][/U] [B]Appearance:[/B] [IMG]http://i1032.photobucket.com/albums/a403/robotichearts--x/Decorated%20images/71iwic.png[/IMG] [B]Name:[/B] Ayumu Kotegawa [B]Alias:[/B] N/A [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Race:[/B] Vampire [B]Nationality:[/B] Lyranias, Lyranian [B]Occupation:[/B] Freshman-HS [B]Personality:[/B] Initially, Ayumu is introduced as a character who seems similar to Rinnosuke but different at the same time; cheeky, cheerful, and full of mischievous ideas. He enjoys going with the flow, surprising, and making people happy with his jokes and antics, he is also filled with hyperactive behavior as he is keen on showing curiosity to what attracts him. Ayumu is prone to sports and problem solving, majority of his energy are spent on sports, specifically athletics. Full of passion and enthusiasm, he is able to intimidate and annoy people with a love hate relationship, better yet a Tsukkomi and Boke relationships. He is confident and humble about his abilities and often gets embarrassed about it, Ayumu bluntly admits in all honesty, he speaks his mind, straight to the point although there are times that he can actually lie if he sees it fit and doesn't wanna hurt the person's feelings. Ayumu has a high sugar capacity, meaning he loves sweet too much and it gets him all ready for anything that he comes across, this makes him and anyone who has a gloomy behavior compliment each other, putting himself before others. He has little complaints about assisting his comrades at certain situations. In addition to his hyperactive behavior, he also has a sweet tooth, his favorite snack is chocolate, parfaits, ice creams, and milkshakes. Reason before honor is how he rolls, much of like Rinnosuke but there are times that both of them would just charge without thinking which is a comedic value on his part. Beneath that kind and active demeanor,Ayumu shows his ruthlessness and aptitude in killing shows the other side of him — deadly, violent, and bloodthirsty. This only applies to his targets and people who he sees does not deserve to live, he isn't even guilty about killing people, sometimes he is too proud to say it, this is the difference between him and Rinnosuke. Ayumu struggles to distinguish himself from what is right and what is wrong, he isn't afraid of admitting his weakness to his elders. [U][B]Powers and Skills Information[/B][/U] [B]Skills:[/B] Sporty active. Ayumu is keen to sports likewise his passion is for sports, he is skilled in parkour, athletics, badminton, and mind games. He is talented at sports, and shows huge interest and eventually learning more than five sports. Therefore maintaining a good health. Problem solving. Ayumu is one of the intelligent characters in the world of Uno Mundus, he is part of the Detective Club and portrays a thorough and workaholic behavior, he won't rest until he solves a mystery. Mixed Martial Arts. The difference between him and Rinnosuke is huge, Ayumu possess a wide array of martial arts, blending in to what he can offer. In addition to his vampiric strength he is deadly. Magic Knowledge. He has a trick or two, he shows potential of learning more magic but currently does not since he relies more on physical attacks. For a Vampire. Ayumu is granted supernatural reflexes, speed, strength, durability, endurance, stamina , intelligence, senses, and metabolism. He is in fact 10x powerful than a normal human, he can heal wounds just as instantly depending on the damage or otherwise, able to break steel and punch through concrete, enhanced hearing, see in the dark, perform hypnosis(applies to fodder/weak minded only),move in super human speeds, and last for a week in the sunlight. During the day his composure/self is at 30%, night turns this into 100%. NOTE: He is immortal like all Vampires but can be "killed" by holy weapons, garlic, Holy Wood, Fire, Stake through the heart, Devil's blood, and sunlight even though he can survive for a week, strong temperature/sunlight or any UV ray related can turn him to ash. [B]Power Name:[/B] N/A [B]Power Type:[/B] N/A [B]Power Description:[/B] N/A [B]Power Weaknesses:[/B] N/A [U][B]Miscellaneous Information[/B][/U] He doesn't real food and by definition of sweetness, it is BLOOD!