Even though she hadn’t been trying, Cecelia found herself back at the front of the group when the paths forked and she made sure to take a picture of each split, thinking to look over them later and start mentally mapping out the forest so she wouldn’t get lost if she ever came back through it. Being used to traveling around so much, the distance was nothing to her and when they arrived in a clearing she actually felt a little disappointed that that was all. Cecelia quickly found herself staring at the little houses. She was glad they didn’t look like the small little cottages she thought they might be, and happier still that they looked quant and cozy and very comfortable to rest in after a long day’s work. Smiling at the adorable stutter the ranger who was telling them instructions had, Cecelia immediately decided that out of all the other rangers that had shown them here, this one was her new favourite. Looking at the girl who just snatched her favourite ranger’s cue card away, Cecelia’s eyes grew wide. Surely she wasn’t this lucky! Taking a picture of her, Cecelia zoomed in and gasped to herself. There was no denying that [i]the[/i] Viva LaBelle was a ranger. And not just any ranger, one assigned to helping them get settled! Cecelia was practically bouncing with excitement at the chance to meet her idol, and barely even noticed when her name was called. Heading over to where she was supposed to, Cecelia looked back and forth between her two new teammates and smiled when the team leader introduced herself. Cecelia lifted up her camera and took a step back to get a picture but frowned when she realized the sun was in the wrong position. “Hm… hold on a second.” She announced then rotated herself around Mai and made sure the sun was properly in place now. Taking the shot, Cecelia looked down at her camera and smiled, “Perfect!” Realizing she still hadn’t introduced herself, she laughed and added in a sing-song voice, “I’m Cecelia. Feel free to just call me Cece though!” Looking over at her other teammate, she quickly repositioned herself again and took a picture of him too. “Let’s all be great friends, yeah?”