Name: Samantha Carpenter Codename: Arachnid Age: 27 Gender: Female Place of Birth: New York City Affiliations: New York City Police Department, League Occupation: Police Detective Appearance: Samantha is roughly five foot eleven and has an athletic build with brown hair and brown eyes. As a civilian she wears a jacket and t-shirt with jeans and boots with her badge and firearm strapped to her belt, she also wears gloves to help conceal the visible web sacks on her wrist. Her costume is made up of a mask, bodysuit, boots and gloves which are jet black are feature a spider design. The mask also has two eye holes. Powers: Super strength, Speed, agility, ability to stick to walls and other surfaces, able to shoot & spin webs. Skills: Trained by NYPD in the use of firearms, detective work, interrogation & many other facets of police work Equipment/Resources: NYPD Badge & personal firearm, all resources available to NYPD detective Weaknesses: Struggles to lift anything over the weight of a Volkswagen, immune system weak against some insecticides. Psychological Profile: Samantha is loyal, dedicated and will do almost anything for anyone she considers a friend. However her time in the gang has left with several problems among which is a tendency towards addictive behaviour, a short and often violent temper and a lack of remorse for her actions. In addition her time in prison left her with an extreme sense of privacy and she struggles to open up to those she hasn't known for a long time. When it comes to taking a life Samantha will not hesitate although as a police officer she prefers to see those who break the law face justice. She views her powers as a chance to protect those she once harmed and a chance to make up for her past mistakes. Biography: Samantha grew up in New YorK, her father was a doorman and her mother worked in a supermarket. Her childhood was rather unremarkable, she went to school, made friends got into arguments with her parents but that all changed when she went to highschool. It was there she fell in with a bad crowd and ended up joining a street gang. For the next couple of years she committed various crimes ranging from tagging walls to dealing drugs to her classmates. When she was sixteen her actions caught up with her and she was arrested for possession and sent to a juvenile detention facility. It was there she made a decision to turn her life around and upon her release left her old gang and became interested in becoming a cop. After leaving high school Samantha completed a degree in psychology and after leaving college enlisted in the NYPD. On the day of the awakening she was called to investigate a lab break in where she was bitten by one of the escaped spider specimens which after a few days of serious Samantha discovered she had developed extremely unique spider powers. Naturally Samantha developed the costumed identity of Arachnid in order to both fight crime and protect her friends from recriminations. As an added bonus using her powers in her day to day police work led to her promotion to work as a homicide detective.