((Probably far from flawless, I just want to get this up to be looked at and potentially accepted if good enough before I go back and make sure it is good. It is 1AM and I have had too much interrupt my attempts to write this already.)) [b]Who and what are you?[/b] Sebastian "Vole" Volonthrope, Sith Warrior [b]You might have many masters or causes, but when it is ground down properly, you serve one side alone. Which is it? The Sith Empire or the Galactic Republic?[/b] My first and greatest loyalty is to the Sith Empire, other than that I have no loyalty greater than that to the Dark Council. [b]What do you look like, and how are you dressed?[/b] [img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs51/f/2009/305/d/1/Offensive_Burst_by_Graysun_D.jpg[/img] My state of dress varies by the situation. [b]Why do you fight? What thoughts and ideas influence your actions? What are the reasons behind it all?[/b] I fight to maintain the Sith Empire, I fight to defeat the Jedi, i fight to save the people of the Republic from the Republic. The Republic is a monster that died from it's gluttony long ago now it is merely a puppet with the strings pulled by the Jedi. It is all a sham, a way for the Jedi to control everything and everyone, a way for them to abduct children from their homes across the galaxy and indoctrinate them to be their personal army that allows them to enforce their will. Nothing is done in the Republic senate without the will of the Jedi and you cannot hope to be Chancellor without the Jedi first allowing this the evidence of this is all too clear in too many cases to count. So long as the Jedi exist there can be no true free will they will ensure it, just as they ensure there are no dissenting voices against them by any means necessary. The Jedi must be made to see the error of their ways or destroyed and the Republic which they prop up must be at last torn down and reforged into the Sith Empire which will bring true freedom to the galaxy at last. I have seen both sides of the line, I have lived on both side of this war and know both their codes by heart and know that the Jedi code is a lie in all but name. What hey espouse and what they do are so very different. In my last meeting with the Jedi Council before striking out on my own I saw it so truly the greatest difference between the Jedi and the Sith being that the Jedi lie to everyone whereas the Sith will tell you the truth of what they are. [i]There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Force.[/i] It is a test, that is all the Jedi code is. If you wish to ascend to the Jedi Council you must pass the simple test, realize that the jedi code is a lie used to keep the lesser ranks in line. It is so clear once you realize it, emotion, ignorance, passion, chaos, death, all these things the Jedi code says do not exist but these are all things in the galaxy every day and among the jedi at all times. Where the Knights, padawans, and even many masters try to abide by the code stripping themselves of everything that makes them alive the Jedi Council uses what they forbid, just as the lock away most of the knowledge in the library solely for their use. In the end it is all about power, once one realizes that then the way to the Sith is the only way left available. [b]Do you have any skills that make you stand out from the crowd?[/b] With a lightsaber I am better than most though excel at dueling. With the force I have always shown competence for the theory if not raw power. This has lead to exemplary skill with the subtler and more nuanced uses of the force. Where most would train their abilities to project a wall of power with the force to destroy an enemy I instead have mastered the ability to project a single thought into the mind of my opponent. It is not a swift victory but a more thorough one. To watch the mind of your opposition erode and breakdown, doubt, fear, anger, these are emotions a part of any living being and in the cannot be fought. I work to control them to work emotions into thoughts, thoughts into ideas, ideas into weapons. I will never be a true master of the lightsaber, I will never defeat a dozen enemies with a swing o my arm, but I will wipe away a thousand enemies with a single thought. That is my skill, that is what can never be denied me. [b]How do you relate to everyone else? Do you have any friends, family, foes or subordinates among them?[/b] I have an attache Miliana Keratine, originally from the Imperial Army I saw potential in her and have kept her with me on all my duties from the Dark Council since acting as my aide and using her skills she gained from the Imperial Army Intelligence Corp. [b]What made you the person you are today? How did the past influence your present?[/b] Like so many thousands of others i was once a young boy on a world somewhere I do not remember now. I was discovered by the Jedi at a young age, I do not remember my parents but I can never forgive them for so simply handing away me to my future masters. I can never forgive the Jedi either for what they did to me stealing me away from my parents to a life were they controlled everything. At first I took to it as any child indoctrinated under such standards would be. Every morning I went through my training constantly hearing the lauding of the Jedi learning that i would one day be a Jedi so long as I worked hard and studied hard. Naturally I did, we all did, everyone of the younglings with me did our best only because we knew nothing better. There was no life but the life in which we served the Jedi and trained to become them. Not all made it of course, despite what we were told. They drilled into us how any could do it but as they dropped off one by one I first saw the lies of the Jedi, I did not fully grasp the implications at first until I saw the various members after training but for now I had an inkling when we all trained just as hard but not all made it. There was a time even when I was at risk of being cut. My ability with the force was not developing as rapidly as others, I poured everything into it but I just could not produce the same effects. i dealt well with organic materials for the most part and overheard talk of an Agricultural Corp a few times even. In time I gained my stride though, I could not produce the same raw power as other younglings but had precision they did not I felt the force at all times and learned to subtly manipulate it and control it more thoroughly than any other youngling in my group. Soon I was becoming lauded by the teachers, in lightsaber training I was a one of the better duelists in the group and with the force my only flaw was raw power but more than made up for it with finesse I quickly began drawing the attention of various masters as I grew older. My control was something increasingly admired by those above me and my ability to work with people was becoming increasingly obvious. My fate as a councilor and a diplomat was sealed many considered and it was mostly about who would pick me up at that point. When I was chosen it came as quite the surprise, Jedi Master Quoloth was a member of the Jedi Council and supposedly one of the best diplomats in the Jedi. I could not have been happier at such a prestigious posting one of the greatest diplomats and a member of the Jedi Council was to teach me the ways of the Jedi. What a blind fool I was during those young ages. Had i not had a Jedi Councilor as my master though I may very well have never seen the true side of the Jedi however and learned what I needed to learn to join the Sith. At first I listened to his every word and almost worshiped the very ground upon which my master stood. Early missions were as expected simple diplomatic ones overseeing agreements and settling disputes though it was perhaps not so much the missions, their objectives, or even the outcomes that began my movements towards the Sith but the methods. Early on I learned that the Jedi operate outside any legal boundaries and move all things towards their own ends. My master regularly told me of the dangers of the Sith and their ways how all emotion must be ignored in order to avoid falling to their nefarious clutches. At the same time the Jedi were called upon to show empathy with everyone which my master told me to always follow. When I pointed out this contradiction he gave me the kind of response I grew to hear far too often. A simple platitude meant to sound deep and meaningful with no substance behind it. I suppose I am getting ahead of myself though for now. for my early missions were simple negotiation oversight largely. The methods were almost always questionable. Lieing and using position as Jedi to manipulate people's views on topics. my master waved this away saying he did not lie but merely told the truth from a different perspective. This began my slow break from the Jedi. At first I said nothing as a dutiful padawan would and merely tried to learn what I could from my master even as doubts nawed away at my beliefs in the Jedi and the system they helped maintain. As my skill with the force grew my role in missions grew as well it was only a few years before I was being given tasks during various negotiations. At first they were simple and as expected but they escalated into what truly caused my faith in the Jedi to shake. Subtly shifting viewpoints and mentally extracting information without notice in order to more smoothly move along negotiations. As I learned these tricks I began to learn how to detect them and so my master had me learn when he was doing them and if possible learn what he was learning. This kind of use of the force turned out to be exactly what I excelled out and quickly surpassed my master's expectations much to his pride and delight. In following my master's actions through the force I learned that he was not just removing ideas put planting ones as well. Ideas that naturally favored the Jedi's agenda and the ever mounting war effort against the Sith. As years went on more and more missions were more economic in nature procuring the necessary supplies for war and combating the Sith in the diplomatic arena rather than in combat. I confronted my master on various occasions but was always talked down and given minor platitudes. A favorite of his was that the people they talked to were good people who would have come to the right conclusion and that they were merely helping them to do the right thing. As I grew older it eventually became time for me to move closer to where the real war was being waged dealing with negotiations to keep worlds out of Sith hands and at times deal with various Sith agents or other subversive elements. Getting my hands dirty showed me just how terrible the Jedi were in all things. Worlds which wished to maintain neutrality or peacefully join the Sith were held in line by all of the most subversive means. Any wrongs were justified so long as they served the ends of the Republic, so long as they kept the Jedi in control. I had no idea how far that meant at the time. Of even the most skilled diplomats in the Jedi Order they must still be capable of combat and defeating Sith head on when necessary. When my teachings with a lightsaber had progressed far enough my master and I moved with a small unit of Republic troopers through words at or near the current border of the Sith hunting down their agents and influence. More than once we stumbled across groups of individuals, usually on backwater worlds, that my master told me were training centers for Sith. At these outposts resistance was always light opposition just a handful of people in plain clothes with generally rudimentary knowledge of the force and armed with nothing more than a few blasters and swords. We made swift work of them before moving on generally. The final act that began to produce my break from the Jedi happened on one of these worlds. I was caught in a duel with a member of one of the groups his sword struck at my lightsaber over and over slowly corroding away it's blade coated in poor quality cortosis alloy. The duel was going on for too long so in a lull I tried to infiltrate his mind to grasp his next tactics and learn what I could from him before he shut me out. The man was an open door however and rather than tactics or Sith teachings there was fear and hatred. Hatred of the Jedi and fear of what they had done and would do. I was shocked and off guard for a second that allowed him to charge me only a narrow parry and the intervention of a trooper saved me from grievous wounds. I was still shaken after the man's death but continued into the compound with the trooper supporting me. He was a long time veteran having worked with the Jedi much and was well skilled in anti-Sith tactics, his unit was horrifyingly effective against these outposts. At one sealed door I felt life behind it, expecting an attack I slashed open the door with my saber and was greeted to a room of children with a single woman holding a blaster aimed at me, we were both surprised and so for a fraction of a second did nothing. The trooper with me though had no such reaction and in that instant pushed me away and took cover on the side of the door. The man primed a thermal detonator and was about to throw it into the room when i grabbed his arm. I could not believe what he was about to do but he just pulled his arm away and informed me he was under orders that no Sith were to survive the assault and everyone here not Republic was a Sith. In a fury of rage I lashed out cutting the man down before he could throw the detonator into the room. I almost feinted when I realized what I had done but had to keep a cool head. Turning back to the doorway I pulled the blaster from the woman's hand and told her she needed to flee. The woman and the twenty or so kids did not get far, the rest of the compound was secured and as they got outside were swiftly rounded up by troopers. After the debriefing my master and I got into a heater argument. His platitudes could no longer placate me and would never again, in his anger he revealed far more than he meant to me. So much he had been hiding from me for all these years. He stated I was not ready and after seeing my actions today may never be. I was in shock and reeling from the fact that all along we had not been raiding Sith bu force users who simply acted outside the bounds of the Jedi. My master told me they used the dark side of the force and only Sith used the dark side therefore they were Sith and had to be eliminated. After that my master told me it was time I learned of the true threat we were facing and would be facing true Sith now. For the next year and a half we operated in various border regions clashing with Sith. I still used Makashi at this time dueling generally low ranked initiates comparable to my own padawan level while my master fought their master. It was in battle I first witnessed the unfinished Juyo style and better became able to utilize the force to my advantage as well as finally knew I would have to leave the Jedi. I had been taught so long to hate the Sith and desire only for them to be removed from the galaxy that when encountering them and reading into the minds of my enemies I could not help but appreciate them. Whenever speaking to a Jedi so much was hidden away every last one of them had a thousand thousand secrets and lies to be maintained. The Sith I faced though were much more focused. In the way they moved, in the way they thought, in the way they fought I read nothing but truth of action. They came forthright as people to you with no inhibitions or hidden desires they were truth. My chance to escape came at last during one chaotic border clash. Engaging a forward operating Sith unit my master and I were moving with just a handful of other Jedi we attacked the Sith in a ruined urban center and only once battle had begun did we realize they were of far greater number and skill than expected. This time I sought no opponent but rather tried to hide myself in the force and await a chance to slip away. As my master engaged his opponent, a giant of a man wielding two lightsabers did I at last initiate my plan. Standing fully where he could see and behind his opponent I renounced my oaths to the Jedi and proclaimed a new loyalty for the Sith. He was shocked and it made an opening for his enemy that he gladly exploited. I had no love for my master, he had ensured that stating that love was not and never would be the Jedi way and we should distance ourselves from all things. It was with that thought I distanced myself from the Jedi. I had been with my master for 13 years by that point but as he died i had no remorse. From the moment I left the training cadre I had felt something pulling me in a different direction and now at last I had found it. After the battle when the few remaining Jedi were captured the man who struck down my master came before me. I remembered only the Jedi's ideas on prisoners and knew the rarity of which Sith were captured and so wondered now if my own survival would be refused for some reason. I prostrated myself before him hoping for his mercy. I still remember his first words I heard, "Why do you writhe in the dirt like a worm. Are you not a man free and himself." Standing up I was skeptically added to the group, not quite a prisoner but not quite free. I was sent back to the main Sith fortifications with the Jedi prisoners along with a handful of Sith guards my lightsaber taken from me for now. The Sith leader and most of his brethren continued to mission and from I later learned were highly successful in causing a breakthrough in the Republic lines. For three days I waited under guard before the master returned and I conversed with him then. He spoke more openly and more freely than any jedi I had ever known. His words were not carefully guarded with double meanings abounding and no fanciful turns of phrase to try to occupy one's mind with their true meaning. I told him my tale of how I wished to join the Sith and he only laughed at first before telling me that from my words my story rang true and would send me on to learn the ways of the Sith and be judged. Days later I was on a transport back behind Sith lines. I learned quickly, even more quickly than when i was a youngling with the Jedi. I was not the only Jedi to turn to the Sith seeing the truth there but from my class on Korriban I was the most promising and my skills were not unnoticed. Some would say the Sith are more deceptive than the Jedi using covert means to advance and often lieing to better gains. I disagreed right away for how can a man be deceptive when he tells you he will lie? While the Jedi hide knowledge deep away in their libraries the Sith state simply that any who can access the knowledge may have it and freely let loose knowledge the Jedi would rather burn away. The Sith are forever students and forever teachers and it is to you to learn the truth of things. When I graduated most newly minted Sith initiates were given masters or various tasks but alone was different. I was told to go to a specific room in a specific building halfway across Korriban. I naturally complied and when I got there waiting for me was a single man wearing a black mask in a dark robe. He told me straight away to read his mind and so I did, subtly slipping in past basic defenses to see what was there. All i grasped from him were two words, "Dath Perspicenta." Realizing before I now stood i went to bow but was waved up instantly. He informed he he preferred his servants not be so formal as it made it easier for them speak to him. I realized instantly the edge such an action gave him in those that spoke to him would do so more casually and reveal more. He informed me he had kept an eye on me and even now considered me as a potential pupil though for now I would serve him in any capacity he wished so long as I agreed now to serve. I do so without pause. For 5 years now I have served the Sith and have only risen in position going quickly up the ranks. Within 3 years I received orders from members of the Dark Council itself always executing my duties with the utmost efficiency and always pushing forward with knowledge. I rarely engage in combat my missions being domestic in nature usually ensuring that knowledge is properly distributed throughout the Empire and not hoarded foolishly. [b]Good characters are always flawed in some ways. Often heroes are even more flawed than bystanders. There is typically a balance between greater skill in one area and significant flaws in others… What are your flaws?[/b] Everyone has flaws I suppose, I am untested in combat my skills pulled me away from the front lines quickly enough and with the Jedi I always preferred to take a leadership role guiding things from the back rather than leading glorious charges so many of my kindred prefer. I have fought duels against enemies, defeated assassins, and other minor conflicts one would expect but I am quite good at avoiding combat and removing enemies in indirect ways or turning them to my point of view and as a result personal combat is a distinct weakness of mine, particularly when compared to the more militarily minded members of the Sith Order. My focus on the subtle parts of the force has lead to an overall neglect of the overt honestly and was never strong in the overt forms in the first place. My power in the force revolves mostly around the subtle manipulations of it passing through and around living beings I am weaker with the overt uses and the uses regarding the inorganic. In the end my ultimate goal is not to engage in direct combat and it shows in my skillset neglecting that area. [b]Would you describe your Lightsaber, if you have made one?[/b] [img]https://24.media.tumblr.com/eae7bd8ba7d280e7324b054d66ed3b35/tumblr_mmd35o7U0d1s920hoo6_500.jpg[/img] [b]If you wield a Lightsaber, which of the Seven combat forms has your order trained you in?[/b] Form VII: Juyo : Claims mastery of Form II: Makashi [b]Describe your preference in the use of the Force. Are you particularly talented in any one area? Do you have flaws in another? What are the limits on what you can or will do?[/b] I am highly skilled in subtle manipulations of the force and interacting with organic matter. Overt and powerful actions with the force are almost beyond my capabilities but I truly excel with mental force powers invading the mind of another to learn, take, and plant anything I wish from information to emotions.