"Okay tim here's what I need you to do..." Olli said as he turned around and his jaw dropped, "uhhhh, your not Tim. Hold on just one second, red breasted robin,". He said as he shot his thermal at the payload walt just threw at the robot. The thermal came into contact followed by a orchestra of beeps and an explosion bigger than watergate. "Now as I was saying new girl. There is only one tendril left so I fire a zipline arrow over to that roof and you ride down it then I shoot an emergancy airbag arrow at your feet. They're will be about ten airbags which will inflate in a path in front of you. Jump across that and climb up to the top of the robot. When you get near the top plant this hacking arrow near a control box of sone kind so we can figure out what the hell it is. Don't worry about climbing I'll shoot arrows for footholds you can use. Good luck, oh and oliver Queen, green arrow, welcome to the team!"