[b]Name:[/b] Elise Grey [b]Codename:[/b] Eclipse. [b]Age:[/b] 25 years old. [b]Gender:[/b] Female. [b]Place of Birth[/b] Seattle, Washington [b]Affiliations:[/b] The Nomads. League of Heroes. [b]Occupation:[/b] Former stripper, currently unemployed & homeless, street rat. "Professional Hero". [b]Appearance:[/b] Elise appears as a rather small female, standing roughly 5'5'' and weighing no more than a little over a hundred pounds, she has light skin that appears to grow more pale during the day and hair as dark as the night sky. Her eyes appear to go from a vibrant lively green during the day to a steely blue-grey at night. When she taps into her superhuman abilities, her eyes will either glow a reddish color during the day or a shimmering silver at night. It is also important to note that the brighter the sun is shining, the more in shape Elise appears to be almost growing muscle tissue when the sun is out, at night her body appears more slender elongating her fingers and ears while softening the sturdiness of her build. [hider=Eclipse][img=http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Platothefrench/g_zps379fc0ad.jpg][/hider] [b]Powers:[/b] Elise has the power of what she calls "celestial body empowerment", which is basically a way for her to explain how depending which of the two celestial bodies dominate the sky. During what is considered 'dusk' and 'dawn' or when the Moon and the Sun share the sky Elise's abilities are at their weakest having to transfer from one style to another. [u]Solar Empowerment[/u] Elise's body absorbs the ambient solar rays which empower her physically, increasing her overall physical endurance, strength and durability while also granting her an abnormally high rate of regeneration. The skin becomes hardened, allowing her to take high levels of physical abuse with a high pain threshold. However she seems to lose most of her energy-based abilities her nightly counterpart wields, except for the light constructs which become much more powerful in the day at the cost of a more limiting range. This allows her to create slightly more complex light constructs instead of the basic shapes she does at night. It is also to note that during the day the energy takes a deep orange hue [u]Lunar Empowerment[/u] During the night, her body loses all the physical increases and trades them off for powerful energy attacks. Namely the ability to release a dark blue, highly volatile plasma from her body in the forms of both blasts and beams, also using the energy to grant herself limited levitation. She can also use this energy to manipulate the light around her into basic geometric shapes, which have a much greater range than during the day. However weak her body is, Elise holds one defensive trait that she can utilize at night, her body can become intangible for a maximum of six seconds at a time requiring her to hold her breath. This time spent intangible gives her just enough time to evade one single string of attacks before she is forced to solidify once more. She may also 'release' her energy and transform herself into a being of energy which grants her high speed flight. [b]Skills:[/b] Elise lacks any formal training for anything that could be considered an asset, instead her lifestyle has taught her how to deal with a large variety of characters, granting her an impressive level of charisma. Elise also has a sort of street knowledge that few people could really understand, having grown up around the scummiest of the scum. [b]Equipment/Resources:[/b] Generally, Elise requires nothing for her abilities. Instead she carries a backpack often which includes a spare change of clothes, her cellphone and a variety of other basic items any person may carry. When in need, Elise can hide the backpack and come to it later. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] During the day Elise's body is hardened and allows her to be a more defensive fighter, as opposed to her nightly counterpart. She lacks range and utility in this form but makes up for it in raw defensive traits allowing her to become one of the middle class close-range brawlers. Her nighttime counter part holds all the power the daytime one does not, allowing her to dish out high levels of damage but at the cost of making her extremely vulnerable and frail. Her power level itself is also dependent on the cycle of the moon, while most nights it stays relatively the same when in the new moon phase she loses a large chunk of her power yet during a full moon she appears to get some sort of boost in power. [b]Psychological Profile:[/b] Elise is a young woman who has seen her fair share of terrible things, causing her heart to grow tough and allowing her mind to handle even the most strenuous situations while keeping cool. One thing Elise learned during her time alone was keeping a leveled head often resulted in you keeping said head. Having lost many friends throughout her time Elise has grown somewhat cold and aloof to anyone who she comes in close contact with, eventually reaching a point where she will shut them out. She acts as something of a lone wolf, preferring to stay alone seeing most humankind as bad. Everyday she finds herself struggling morally with just how evil this world is. She knew that men who would give a bullet for one would just as easily put it in another, people were not the kind and gentle creatures they imagined. They were dark things which occasionally felt bad about all the things they had done. Elise herself is one of the kindest and most honest persons you could ever meet, she aims to be what every human should; honest, thoughtful, empathetic and courteous although at times even she struggles with her morals. [hider=Background] Elise was born into a wealthy family consisting of a pure blood German father and a half-Korean half-English mother making her one half half German, a quarter Korean and a quarter English. Her father had made a large sum of money working his way up through the courts and becoming highly feared by any who opposed him but showered his family with attention and gifts doing his best to treat them to a good life. On the other hand was her cruel witch of a mother. While her mother showered her older brother Michael with love, turning him into an arrogant young man she held a sort of apparent grudge against Elise even from a young age. While Michael was allowed to get away with everything, Elise was almost never allowed out, constantly forced to do chores and even on rare occasion when her father wasn't around her mother would savagely beat the girl. When she was about sixteen, her father was shot outside of a courtroom by a family member of someone he had put away, Elise knew she could never survive in the house. Taking what money she could which summed up to about five grand and anything that could fit in her bag she left the night before her father's funeral and never turned back. Within the first three months Elise came to learn the streets was no place for a young woman, eager men and violent thieves plagued the street. She had seen far more than enough for any human and thought she would soon end up just another body on the street after only living on it for such a short time. This was until she met old Nan, an elderly woman who lacked any teeth but claimed to have born homeless and never had a place she called home. She was part of a group known as the 'Nomads' which was a network of homeless who looked out for one another only identifiable by a tattoo design of a black sun with an eclipsing moon sliding over it leaving only a small sliver of the sun visible. Taking the young Elise under her wing and introducing her into the Nomad lifestyle changed Elise entirely, no longer did she fear the streets or anyone on it for there was always a friend near. Even after old Nan died at the old age of seventy (although Elise could never be sure if the woman [i]actually[/i] knew her age or simply forgot throughout the years) she managed to survive on her own. Eventually however, the Nomads began to dwindle in number as the older members began to lessen more and more resulting in far more dangerous streets than they had formerly been. At age twenty, Elise was forced to drop the lifestyle after the streets had become too dangerous and took the only job a young girl who never graduated could, she became a stripper. Her time as a stripper showed her just how despicable the regular world was, within the Nomad community they bathed together and shared everything with one another. But as a stripper, the men held a greed in their eyes that made her feel so offended that she wondered how she could stand doing this for any longer, then it happened. One night when Elise was walking from the club to her car to return to her dinky little apartment a man whom she recognized as a regular customer attacked her in an attempt to get what he couldn't inside the club. The confrontation eventually became deadly when Elise released a wave of energy from her mouth which blew a hole directly through his chest. Afraid she would be imprisoned, Elise left her car and ran rejoining the Nomadic life. Today, she travels across America scavenging money anywhere she can (sometimes less 'legal' than others) and aiming to help anyone who are considered at the bottom of society, seeing herself as something of an underdog she always finds herself fighting for the little guy. Being an advocate for equal Metahuman rights, when Elise caught wind of the League of Heroes she was one of the first to offer herself and join the cause, considering herself to be a 'second generation' hero.[/hider]