[center][img]http://st.gdefon.com/wallpapers_original/wallpapers/403241_devushka_plashh_kapyushon_luk_strely_kolchan_1680x1050_(www.GdeFon.ru).jpg[/img] HUMAN Name: People call her "M" though her real name is Amelia, Amelia Lionel Age: 18 Personality: She tries to seem tough, she isn't heartless though she is lonely, and she seems somewhat intent to keep it that way, she is not living comfortably, but seems like she wouldn't need adjusting to a high end setting, she is tough and she doesn't like to show weakness Weakness: Knives, fire, death, the plague, nails to the eye, generally things that would kill any normal human being. Abilities: She is very agile, relatively strong, flexible, great with a bow, adept with lock picking, seems to be a good pick-pocket, and stealthy when she needs to be. Other: Freelancer, tends to hunt vampire for a living, not the greatest with people[/center]