Aoba was no fighter, so he was tossed this way and that like a little ragdoll. Despite his robe being dirtied and his hair a little tossled, he made sure to keep his wings tidy. It wasn't like it mattered, but he still wanted his wings to look their best as he always wanted them to be. And after seeing the tainted feather, he wanted nothing to do with such a thing. All eyes were on him and he wanted to cower away and hide from it all. He wanted to sleep and wake up to everything going back to normal. And he wished he'd never taken the offer to help Kuro. He didn't blame the demon, but he knew that if they never met, Aoba would have been just fine. If none of this happened. He listened to the hushed voices, most shocked and appalled by him. His head lowered and he looked at his wrists, eyeing the cuts that were forming. When everything silenced, Aoba flinched and he slowly looked up to the High Judge. He had a blank expression on his face and Aoba inwardly sighed, thankful to not see a look of wrath or hatred for once. The Judge said nothing at first, but after a moment the Judge's voice rumbled out a greeting and before long the trial started. The overseer was in place against Aoba, and without a moment's hesitation, she spoke. "This angel is being charged with treason. He helped the youngest son of Satan escape his imprisonment." The dramatic gasps of the crowd were silenced by the Judge's hand. "We don't have the solid evidence yet, but he was the closest to that filth. There were incidents where my guards saw displays of affection from the filth towards this angel. Those eye the two guards that said they witnessed such." Green and Red stood, bowing to the Judge. "Is this true? Did the demon display some sort of affection towards you?" The Judge,  and everyone else eyed Aoba as his gaze lifted slowly. Aoba wasn't going to lie. It would only bury him deeper into trouble. And the guards had seen it. "It was...It was his way of- of saying thank y-you... He meant nothing to it... At least I don't think he did." They all had to stay silent in order to hear Aoba. His voice was soft, and by the looks of it, he didn't plan on raising it anytime soon. "I didn't kiss him though. Not once." He felt it was needed to be said. As if that crucial evidence would be a significant change for him. [I]"What if it was mind control?" "The kid doesn't seem like he can fight back either." "But that doesn't make it any better that the filth kissed him! He's contaminated! Take him to get cleaned!" "He has been cooped up in heaven. He doesn't know the dangers of the others like we do." "Everyone knows that demons are bad!"[/I] The comments rang through the room until the Judge silenced them all. "Is there anything you have to say for yourself?" He watched as Aoba dropped his head in defeat. "...Is there really much I can say?" The Judge raised an eyebrow, but only nodded, turning his attention to the overseer. She started once more as he did. "There's also the matter the of the fearful look in his eye when we approached him. He practically turned himself in when Fenrir asked him if he was an accomplice." She looked over at Fenrir, motioning him to stand up. This time, the Judge had a question. "What did Aoba say when you asked him this?" "Honestly your Honor, he was too shaken up to make complete sentences or speak clearly. He was afraid. Something I've noticed easily in him. The angel is prone to getting scared easily." Even if he didn't approve of the situation, disliked the demon, or was a witness,  Aoba was still apart of the medical staff- and the youngest. He felt sorry for the pitiful looking angel. With a nod, he was allowed to sit back down. The trial went on like that for a fair amount of time. The overseer gave many accusations with the same witnesses to back up her claims, while not able to give 100% fact- other than what witnesses claimed happened. Aoba was happy to just sit quietly, not uttering a word unless he was given a question from the High Judge himself. Even the Judge could see Fenrir's point of him being fearful. It was obvious the angel was shaken up, and didn't know what to do with himself. So, at the end of the trial the Judge came to a conclusion. "With so little evidence to these accusations, we will have another trial tomorrow morning. And then his judgement. As of now, send him back to the prison and further your search for any damages done by the demon." And like that, the trial was over. Aoba was pulled and dragged back to his cell. And just like before, he curled up with his back facing the cell bars. It was quiet, and only one guard was placed to watch Aoba. He was no threat, so two weren't needed. This guard glanced in every now and then feeling rather sorry for Aoba. It so happened to be one of the guards he had fed when he was bringing food to Kuro.