Seeing as none of the others wanted to talk, Umichi remembered he had yet to add Yumi and Haname to his friends list. Popping out the menu, he quickly added them, it seemed the party had yet to be disbanded, and with Light training by himself, it didn't seem like experience was being shared at this point. [i]Ok, time for some extra stuff.[/i] Umichi thought to himself. It was past 22:00. Most players would have gone to bed. Umichi had troubles with sleeping, so he wanted to use this time effectively. He went back into the forest to face mobs of Little Nepents. Just after entering back into the forest, there was a group of 7 Nepents, after him. [i]Not good he thought[/i] he hurried out of the forest, so he wouldn't pull more. Turning back on them, all seven were attempting a co-ordinated attack. Having a pebble in his hand, he threw it, activating [b]Single shot[/b] on the centre Nepent. This lead to a gap in their formation. He slipped through, slicing through three of them, on his right, passing them, and turning back to them again. They had a simple straight-forward pattern of attack for the most part. This should get him close to level 4. He wanted to protect his new friends, and needed to get faster. This time, as they went to attack in the same way, the cooldown had yet to reset. So instead, he dived underneath, trying to build up his reaction time, baring slicing an X into the formation, hitting six of them, twice. Two of them were defeated. [i]Need to be faster[/i] he thought, when a Dire wolf came from behind him. Barely, deflecting it with his sword, he turned around, activating [b]Uppercut[/b] killing it off. He then turned back to the Nepents. If he was caught off guard, it was likely he would of been defeated by the 5 Nepents. As they came to attack, he side stepped,slicing three of them again, but this time, he turned around to stab a fourth. There was only one Nepent left. Umichi was feeling good about it, dashing at the Nepent, he noticed something to the side, he dive-rolled to the left, an attack coming from the right. It was a Frenzied boar, coming in from the right. It seemed the the forest at night was a lot more dangerous, either that or being alone attracted more enemies. Umichi wasn't sure. He finished off the Little Nepent. He noticed it had a flower on it. Recalling earlier that he killed one with a flower on it, he got a Little Nepent's Ovule. He got another one by killing this one. The Frenzied Boar charged, Umichi side-stepped, slashed it diagonally up, turned around and swiftly executed it, getting a critical attack bonus. It seems his dive roll only fended off some of the damage. Umichi had lost about 15% of his health, but that's fine for now. It wasn't too bad. He made sure to check his inventory for a moment. Finding the guide, he remembered there was something about teleportation crystals, he opened it and read "You can either create or buy teleportation crystals in towns. They will teleport you back to that town." [i]This is what I need[/i] he thought, returning to the town. Checking his col, he had accumulated 2438 col, and another 400 col in monster drops. Looking through his items, he realised he found a set of throwing knives. Looking at the details, he found that it had a five throw limit, and can be recharged in towns. [i]Interesting[/i] he thought. He bought his teleportation crystal and went to enchant his Anneal blade. The enchantment was semi-costly. It used most of his col to do it 4 times. He had just under 1k col left. The Anneal Blade know said Anneal Blade <<2S2D>>. He then remembered he could get another Anneal Blade for safe keeping. Completing the quest a second time, he leveled up to level 4. "23:15 huh?" He said. Walking back out to the forest. He could barely manage to get to level 5 if he went until the time he would normally actually be able to sleep which was about 03:00, and wake at about 8:30 normally. Reaching the forest, he continued to train, to be faster, to level. Leveling up his one-handed sword skills was very important. At a point, he killed a Little Nepent, that had a fruit on it's head. That was bad news. But, he managed to kill the massive hoarde of Little Nepents that had followed, obtaining one more Ovule. He used three healing potions during that hoarde alone, but it got him almost to level 6. It was reaching 02:30. He was dead tired. Using a teleportation crystal, he returned to the town. He could not hand in the quest a third time as the cooldown had yet to reset. His col had reached just over 2k after enchanting his Anneal blade two more times. It was now Anneal Blade <<2S2Q2D>>. He was proud of his deed. He made a mental note, do not kill Little Nepent with a fruit on its head. Hundreds come hoarding at you. It was impossible to count the number of Little Nepents he had killed. But to have survived was almost miraculous. He reached the inn. It seemed everyone else was asleep. He walked into his room, and plopped onto his bed, sleeping soundly.