[centre][img=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0c/Austria-Hungaria_transparency.png] [b]Austro-Hungarian Empire[/b] [i]Österreichisch-Ungarische Monarchie[/i][/centre] Vienna, July 22, 1914 It is with full authority of the Royal Government that is invested in me, to deliver this message to the court of King Peter I. The infamous events registered in Sarajevo approximately a month ago, committed by Gavrilo Princip that resulted in the death of our dear Royal Prince, heir to the crown and Archduke of Austria-Este, Franz Ferdinand. The tragic end to the prince's life was the expression of a subversion, by the name of Narodna Odbrana, inside the Kingdom of Serbia that supports an ideology of separation of certain territories from the rightful rule of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy; said subversion has been growing under Serbian rule, encouraged strongly in some territories within the Kingdom and at times, the Serbian royal government has allowed offenses that soil the image of the Monarchy in Serbia to pass. Certain responsabilities have to be ensured in the field of international law to make sure prosperity, peace and stability prevail and the Serbian Royal Government is not an exception; even if they were, the security of every subject of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy has been compromised by the rising tensions within Serbian territory. The obligations that the Serbian government are subject to, obligations that would diminish certain activities that were caused by an unprecedented, senseless discontent towards the annexation of Bosnia by the Monarchy. They have, clearly, not followed the obligations they were subjected to and they have not ensured the security of Austro-Hungarian subjects within their land, subjects that are under a constant threat of violence by the subversive groups that have arised. Instead, they have allowed numerous faults by the subversive groups to pass and it is with this voluntary ignorance, that the Royal Serbian Government have allowed the events at Sarajevo to happen. Not only is there voluntary tolerance towards these groups but also cooperation by Serbian officials belonging to the subversive groups in the form of weapons. The Monarchy shall no longer stand idly by when actions that threaten its territories and subjects are allowed by the Serbian Government. There has been complacency in our part towards the growing dangers developing inside Serbian territories. But now the stability and peace inside the Empire are at stake. Certain steps will have to be taken by the Serbian Government so order against the traitorous groups that have, so recklessly, used acts of violence in order to impose on the public sentiments that agree with the illegal separation of territories rightfully owned by the Monarchy. A statement imbued with authority of the Serbian Government shall be issued, stating that any conduct indicating support of the ideology held by the subversive groups will be severely punished and that severely condemns the events that took place on July 28th. The Serbian government will also: 1) Criminalize and supress any publication that sparks the flames of hatred against the Monarchy 2) Ascertain its authority and disband any organizations, such as Narodna Obradna, that encourage actions against the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and ensure that operations of said groups are not continued 3) Remove from its education systems any information that may form an unfounded hostility against the Monarchy 4) Remove from its forces any officer or soldier that may have been found carrying propaganda against the Monarchy 5) Cooperate with Austro-Hungarian forces in the dissolution of any emerging groups that may have not yet disbanded by the matters specified on point 2 6) Initiate a judicial process against the participants that took part in the conspiracy that lead to the archduke's death; it will also grant extraterritoriality to certain organs specified by Austria-Hungary that will take part in the proceedings 7) Organs with extraterritoriality will have the ability to impose order so they can carry their investigations in an efficient manner; also, in order to carry out the investigations efficiently, no individual from the Kingdom of Serbia will be extempt from the reach that the investigators may decide is appropriate, regardless of status or rank in the military 8) Take actions to prevent the smuggling of weapons and explosives across Serbia's borders; it will also dismiss from service and severely punish those who have cooperated with conspirators of the heinous crime of Sarajevo 9) Explain clearly to the Imperial and Royal government the offensive, hostile statements that Serbian officials abroad have made against Austria-Hungary after the assasination in the 28th of June 10) Inform the Imperial government of the execution of the points here established Action will be taken if any of these points are not completely fulfilled. The Imperial and Royal Government awaits the reply of the Royal Serbian Government by Saturday, the 25th, at the latest [center][i]Count Leopold Berchtold[/i] Foreign Minister of Austria-Hungary[/center]