I have reasoning behind all of those and will address them, I just didn't want to write a whole book on the character before the RP even started. He has a Japanese name because he was named after his father's sensei and mentor Takeda Kazuma (I mentioned his father was a martial artist.) One of the reasons he only goes by Kaz is because people find that an odd name for a Canadian. Also there are not really any "Aboriginal" names, at least none that I am familiar with. All the Natives I know have modern western names. I know Wahaya is Cherokee for Wolf. It is not meant to be a cool sounding name. It is meant to be exactly what he is. He is wolf. I purposely did not specify a native culture for him to be a part of, because I don't want anyone to be offended by his actions or minor discrepancies in traditions. Also the VAST majority of aboriginal people in Canada are mixed. My wife, for example, is Ojibwe, Cree, and Metis. This is very common. He is blonde because his Father is Irish. My daughter is blond and is exactly half Native, half Irish. The only reason I included his contract position with the United States Government, is because the CS requested occupation. I would not have bothered otherwise. But the reason he is affiliated with them at all is that his father was on the JTF, whose operations are overseen by the US government, and they were looking for specialist training that would give their men an edge over other special forces groups. He was raised to be aware of the modern world, and was given a proper education, as well as strategies and philosophies of the modern world. But he still chose the traditional ways, so that is what he sticks to. His hardened leather armor was made in a similar way to the Romans, boiled in oil etc., to make it as hard as steel in places, but kept soft and flexible at the joints. His main method for surviving powerful opponents is evasion (increased speed and foresight) or, if he must he will try to arrange it so the attack lands in a properly armored area. I consider tactical insight part of the blood of the wolf abilities. Wolves have a natural tactical insight when it comes to hunting, attacking, or defending. Their instincts push them towards the most strategic decisions, which is what i would say happens with SilverWolf: he instinctively is drawn to the most strategically advantageous path. (such as picking off the weakest first when dealing with a group, or disabling an opponent's ability to attack before going for the finisher when defending.) And finally, yes I know MOST aboriginal people no longer live in a traditional way. But there are reserves, both in the states and in Canada, Where they are fundamentally focused on preserving the ways of their ancestors. Yes even those are relatively modernized, but I never specified HOW traditional it was. I also don't think anything I claimed was stereotypical or in anyway offensive to Native peoples, and I ran this char past my wife (again a full blooded native) who agrees. I hope these explanations satisfy your concerns. I realize how it may have seemed like I was throwing stuff in haphazardly, but I was only trying to keep it all a reasonable length.