The door slammed, and Ray grunted a belated affirmative. He knew the place and the guy. He had been there last year, selling the same stuff. It was a real moneymaking opportunity. Last year, they had made a couple thousand dollars. He stood there for a bit before getting a pot of coffee going and jumping into the shower. After he came out, he poured himself a mug and took a sip, grimacing at the bitter heat flowing down his throat. He got dressed and started rooting around in the drug stashes. Acid would be good, but what they really needed at a rave was some X. He could probably sell at twice the usual going price and sell out too. He pulled out two baggies of ecstasy and the acid John had set out. He put on his jacket and walked out to the garage with the bags. He threw the bags into the glove compartment and checked under the car seat for the pistol stashed there. Sure enough it was there. He checked the clip, full, and the gun's chamber, loaded. Time to go. About thirty minutes later, he had arrived at the rave. Sliding the pistol in the back of his pants, he took the baggies of drugs and placed them in his jacket pockets. He opened one bag of X and took one of the pills out. He popped in his mouth and swallowed. A smile slowly spread across his features. Time to find his contact and then make a few bucks.